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A word from John Lenon

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Was: Re: OMGA and Mr. Orphelin

Dans un courrier daté du 11/11/98 17:45:49 Heure d5iver Pari49 Madrid, Brian
Massey, toujours à la pointe  des évènements sans lesquels la vie ne serait
pas possible sur cette liste  écrit :

> We have a celebrity among us.  Mr Pierre Orphelin who was featured in the
>  Postcard from France section of the new Ormega hag.
Good new!
A celebrity (or so called) on this list should now raise up somewhat the
average level, if you are of those who believe in "celebrities"...

>  Gee, Pierre now that you're famous and in tight with Bill would you mind
>  asking him if we could get our y2K patch for version 4 a littler earlier
>  than next June/July.  Remind him that a Y2k shouldn't cost $500 bucks.

I have always been "in tight" with Bill as per your expression. This is not a

You seem ( I freely interpret your tone) allegate that I could have done
something wrong  by accepting the Omega Magazine article.
FYI, the request was made not by Omega, but by James T. Holter (Future
Magazine and Omega Magazine co Editor).
If they fond that I had something interesting to say, why do not ask them ?

We can do something for the patch before June July. I have said that I will
not be involved in this thread until 03/31/99 (please read 1999!).
Should you break my ears again with this one  and I'll probably do nothing at

The latest TS5 preview works very well now, and we are close of a perfect
product , for what I have seen.
I now work on it instead of TS4 ( a TS4 patch for a real use is a joke when
considering TS5).

The no limitation in backtesting and programming is a real pleasure, not to
speak of numerous new features that now work fine.
We have compiled our DLL's into 32 bits and they also work fine and faster on
They have done some nice error trapping that avoid to crash the charting is as
it as the case when calling a DLL with wrong values were passed or missing (
FLOAT instead of LPFLOAT for example).
Only the considered indicator or system goes to status off without disturbing
the software.

Yes, we really need a TS4 patch to continue with this dangerous life .

The yk2 compliance also works well ( a DLL time protected when 16 bit was not
working anymore, because the EL KIT 32 is also yk2 compliant. Changing the C
code to make it read the date as 7 digits has solved the problem).

Nice piece of software...

>  Has anybody ever told you you look like Elton John?
No. Never.
May I consider that you do not like good music too ?

In fact, I'm Elton John's brother, but he enforced me to change my name du to
a conflict of interest.
I  do not play the piano, but various stringed instruments ( 5 string banjo,
mandolin, bass fiddle & dobro).
Things were correct between us until I started the violin.
Now, I'm learning some flat picking guitar, and I use to do this when tired to
read nonsenses on Omega List.
I expect serious progress these times again

>  B.
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From:	sptrader [mailto:sptrader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]

>  The stock probably rose because of the release of Omega magazine(I just
>  received it) talking about ver 5.0 and its new features as well as the
>  quarter release date mentioned in the article.>  Steve
No, no.
Most of of Omega stockholders believed that Elton John was succeding in
trading due to Omega products.
(You knwo how versatile stock holders could be...)
Suffice now to find a trader woman that look likes Lady Di, then do a
"Postcard from London" article and the OMGA stock reachs a $50 in a few weeks.

If you need more serious explanations like this one, please let me know. I's
always a  pleasure for me to go back to the guitar and solve this through a
couple of fastest G runs.


Paul Mc Cartoon