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Re: SPAM ALERT !!!!! was Re: Bonds for beginners and Bill Eykyn

  • To: Gaius Marius <magnus@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: SPAM ALERT !!!!! was Re: Bonds for beginners and Bill Eykyn
  • From: "Koch Frank" <frank@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 14:56:55 -0500 (EST)

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It's very interesting like this list reacts if some kind of info's enter - it's
like living or trading ?
Bill Eykyn alias T-Bondtrader did not spam this list in such a kind as some AOL
members in respect of the Y2K patch. In my opinion his greatest failure was, to
not respond to some questions of  in mine. Following Mark Brown, maybe he can
offer a better inside in his system on this list.
Best Regards

PS: Could I get some date with Katherina ?

Gaius Marius wrote:

> :Bill katherina SPAM Eykyn-macgowan aka Tbondtrader wrote:
> :> Very kind words from Katherina
> :more spam, b.s., self advertising etc. snipped
> :Do you really think the list is that stupid to believe this fake story,
> Bill katherina
> :SPAM Eykyn-macgowan ?
> Having met Katherina Macgowan, I can assure you that she is not Bill Eykyn.
> Nor is she a mouthpiece for his services. She's a very attractive young lady
> whereas Bill Eykyn, as I understand it, is in his late 60s/ early 70s. ;-)
> All she needed was a secure, consistent way to make money/trade these
> financial markets. And if T-Bond Bill has shown her a way to do so, I'm glad
> for him and her.
> And she uses hotmail because unlike you and me, she checks in with her email
> once in a while. This list can generate such a heavy load of emails, some
> ISP cannot handle the overflow. Hotmail can.
> And while as much as I hate vendors who sell/promote/peddle useless ideas
> and systems, it had been proven to me very recently that jumping the gun can
> be very embarrassing. Perhaps T-Bond Bill has a viable methodology. Only
> time will tell.