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DBC Europe Response

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Trading Reference Links

David Stuart
Director of Operations, Europe & Middle East
Data Broadcasting Corporation

Inclusion by request via Ray Stacey

Thank you for forwarding me extracts from Eskimo list.  Goodness me,
what a lot of aggression!  I don't think I shall be joining in the near
future! Perhaps my input would assist; you may forward to Eskimo if you

Bill Eykyn receives positive encouragement from DBC's London office to use
our facilities and resources for seminars and demonstrations.  In fact
who is reputable and knowledgable receives equal encouragement from us,
as we believe the dissemination of information essential for our
As well as Bill, we have recently had the pleasure of welcoming Tom deMark,
plus other experts in such fields as broking, forex and options.  We usually
provide these seminars at no cost to our Subscribers, and even include car
parking, coffee and biscuits.

Last week, among the many we welcomed to DBC's London office, were Bill
and his pupil Katherina.  This culminated on Thursday evening with a T-Bond
seminar by Bill for 15 people, including Katherina, and which according to
all reports, was very successful.

-----Original Message-----
From: hans esser [mailto:he96@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 08 November 1998 02:07
To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: T-Bondtrader
Subject: SPAM ALERT !!!!! was Re: Bonds for beginners and Bill Eykyn

Bill katherina SPAM Eykyn-macgowan aka Tbondtrader wrote:
> Very kind words from Katherina

more spam, b.s., self advertising etc. snipped

Do you really think the list is that stupid to believe this fake story, Bill
SPAM Eykyn-macgowan ?

You have been warned here several times to go away with your self-promotion-
show by several people ! Dont you get it ?

Have you EVER read the list rules ? Understood them ? TRY again !

Would you believe this crap yourself - probably the most amateurish attempt
insult this lists intelligence I ever seen here:

TODAY "katherina macgowan" <katmacgo@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> himself on www.dbceuro.com and t-bonds. Regards, Katherina.

Before:         "T-Bondtrader" <t-bondtrader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Subject:                Successful Day Traders
Date sent:              Sun, 25 Oct 1998 14:04:08 -0000

> Visit www.dbceuro.com

Ever seen 2 different people put down a webadress in the very same, very
very wrong way ?

GO AWAY ! - and stay there

MB.....ehhhhhh  rgds hans