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Re: Bonds for beginners and Bill Eykyn

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Very kind words from Katherina and I am naturally delighted that she felt
that she got so much out of the manual, seminar and some solid trading at
the screen.

The real pleasure for me was seeing someone who is very bright, with just
the right attitude, being able to start off in such a positive fashion.
When I think of the general run around, I had to sort out the wheat from the
chaff, it was so nice to see
someone with no preconceived ideas being set on the right lines, from the
very beginning and knowing she is going to do well.  Good for her!

With reference to Katherina saying that I could be reached at the DBC
International web site, let me add that while general information will,
indeed, be available there, those who want follow-up sessions from reading
the manual, will be able to get that with a free password.  On lists like
this it is not possible to send .gif files in full colour, but on a page
like the one I will have, I will be able to do so without any problem.  We
will effectively be able to have a questions and answers, from and for all
those who are interested.

Before Mark Brown or others rush in to say that this is all 'spamming',
'beefing' or some other ludicrous expression, let me say that one of the
reasons for having a  web site is the very fact that it will be nothing to
do with this list - which will also mean that people who sell programs,
indicators, systems and whatever, will not think I am trying to queer their
pitch, here.

So, if you want to learn a good, simple and effective way to trade, be my
guest...  and it will be without the 'bandar-log' chatter and clatter that
goes on elsewhere.

Bill Eykyn

-----Original Message-----
From: katherina macgowan <katmacgo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: ribau@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <ribau@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
<omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>; RHunt.066@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Saturday, November 07, 1998 5:40 pm
Subject: Re: Bonds for beginners and Bill Eykyn

>I went to London , met Bill,bought the manual,paper traded using
>Tradestation and Bills manual at DBC offices for most of 3 days and made
> The manual is easy to read, very useable . Included  invaluable
>information on timing, when not to trade. When to get back in  to
>profit, some software with pit pivots,resistance  etc. how to apply TA
>while just looking at RT charts  on screen.  Set up and lots of charts
>examples etc. I enjoyed it , and it  was not difficult. You just have to
>know what to look out for in particular market your trading and Bill
>knows bonds very well and teaches how to avoid pitfalls  and risks sith
>bonds and how to make money on a regular basis. Bill is not selling a
>system hes teaching how to trade  and I for one am grateful he responded
>when I asked list for opinions on various ridiculous 5000 training
>centres etc. and how to get started  a couple of months ago.   You can
>get more info from bill himself on www.dbceuro.com and t-bonds.
>Regards, Katherina.