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QuoteMonster [Was:Re: Yahoo data]

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links


Thanks for posting the detail. I have modified QuoteMonster Historical to
use this new data source. QMH is a FREE perl script for retrieval of
historical data for any number of tickers for the date range you specify. 
You may change the order of the fields and include only those fields of
interest. I have not added code to reverse the date order but will be
uploading a script to perform that function only.

The QuoteMonster web page is at http://xmlworks.com/quotemonster/
Send bug reports to quotemonster@xxxxxxxxxxxx



On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Rob Nagler wrote:

> joachim@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Yahoo! just extended it's "free" information.  Now you can
> Quite convenient, thanks.  To save some clicking, here's how to
> download a comma-separated list of IBM daily prices for all of 1991:
>     http://chart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=ibm&a=1&b=1&c=91&d=12&e=31&f=91&g=d&q=q
> The form fields are defined as follows:
>     s=Symbol
>     a=Start Month
>     b=Start Day
>     c=Start Year (two digits only!)
>     d=End Month
>     e=End Day
>     f=End Year
>     g=(d: Daily, w: Weekly, m: Monthly, v: Dividends)
>     q=(q: spreadsheet, <other>: html)
> It's in a weird format, because the file is in reverse order, i.e. end
> record is first and first record is last.  Easily remedied with a bit
> of perl or whatever.