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Re: I give up.

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Trade Station will put in the por house faster than my market comments
will...keep back testing you will run out of money before TS runs out of
systems or indicators and things to sell you. And boy they have all kinds of
things to sell look in the Haloween mail.
-----Original Message-----
From: HeyPeter <heypeter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Phil Lane <logical@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; omegalist <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: I give up.

>Phil et al
>Here's my tuppence for the MONTH . . .
>Phil Lane wrote:
>> At 03:45 PM 10/27/98 -0800, Neal wrote:
>> >Phi, are you having a day worse than mine?
>> I was having a fine day until I downloaded the Omega list.
>> Nea1, how do you know that this stuff doesn't do more HARM than good? Are
>> you willing to accept the responsibility? I'm still waiting for you to
>> answer these questions.
>But . . . first thing traders need to learn is to take full
>responsibility for their trades.  It is no-one elses fault but your own
>- you are wholly responsible for the outcomes of your trading.
>Once we accept full responsibility, and don't blame anyone or anything
>else for what happens, we are then empowered - we can take control
>because we are no longer a victim.  We have choices, we can control our
>positions, we have the right mind set . . .
>> I've been trying to make an IMPORTANT POINT lately but feel like a voice
>> crying in the wilderness. That being that it's a BIG MISTAKE to listen
>> care about, or especially to seek out the Market Opinion of others. When
>> they lay it on you unsolicited you should run the other way. And when
>> start telling you how they were Right on this or that you should
>> it for what it is: Blatant self promotion, insidiously designed to appeal
>> to those who are weak in their convictions and confused in their opinion.
>AGREED.  The only valid reason to trade is to make money - this is not
>about trying to be right or control the market.  You have to let go of
>your ego and give up the pretence that anyone really knows which way the
>market will flow or why on a consistent basis.  Here I am reminded of
>something Bill Williams wrote (note I am not a big fan of his fractal
>misnomer and hype but this is posted on my wall)
>Our job is to listen to the market and concentrate on EXECUTION - on
>putting the trade on and taking it off.  Forget the opinions, views,
>whys and wherefores - that's not your job as a TRADER.  Let the market
>do that job - the market is the final arbiter of your success - not your
>To make money you have to be long when it IS going up and short when it
>IS going down.  Plain and simple.
>At some stage even "countertrend" traders must follow that to make money
>- that's the essence.  Our trading programs should and must reflect this
>simple rule.
>Warning: pop-psych to follow:  This letting go is of course the hardest
>thing to do.  There is an enormous conflict to resolve within yourself.
>Try this for size ( note I am a big fan of Adrienne Laris Tograhie).
>Assume you are composed of many parts.  Take "Mr
>Right/Bigshot/BigMouth/Analyst" and visualise him in one hand.  In the
>other take "Mr Execute/Sheep/Easymon/Trader". Whatever works for  you.
>Both have needs to be fulfilled but are in conflict.  Mr Analyst needs
>to talk/be right/acknowledged - Mr Trader needs to act/follow/make money
>etc.  Have them talk to each other.  Then get a 3rd part - your creative
>self - to resolve the conflict and get all parts to agree.
>eg Analyst will paper trade, Trader will real trade.
>Analyst will talk/spin after the final bell, Trader will walk/act during
>the session.
>Do whatever works to get these guys working together, yet satisfing
>their own needs.
>> In my own sick mind I feel like if I could just get people to see this
>> point they could potentially save a lot of money. That's my motivation.
>> I do hereby give up. Everybody has to learn the hard way.
>Don't give up, keep telling it like you see it . . .
>> P.S. To the bottom buyer in corn: Did I understand that this was Neal's
>> idea? Here's another idea: Everytime it goes down another 5% you should
>> double up. Then when you get a margin call you can get a cash advance on
>> your visa card. Finally when you're flat broke you can go ask Neal for
>> help.
>Trade what you see and not what you think/hear/read . . .
>(Keep It Simple Smart)