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My two cents worth

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I've been reading the posts back and forth, pro and con, about whether something
should be posted to the list. As I said in an earlier post, I don't watch the
news or read opinions about the markets--In fact, I find it almost disturbing to
my trading to thoroughly read someone else's analysis of a market I am trading. 

But this list has something for everyone. The list has posts for systems
traders, indicator users/abusers, discretionery traders, stock traders,
commodity traders, financial traders, position traders/day traders, people new
to trading/old pros, people interested in trading from all over the world...you
name it, if it's about trading, we're all here.

When I collect my email, there some posts I just delete without reading more
than the subject line. But I'm sure some people here read those same posts and
get great value from them. I guess I'd say this is an 'Omega' list, but it's
realy a list for traders with all sorts of interests to gather [electronically]
and talk about whatever traders want to talk about. The basic off-limits rule is
that we should be free to talk about trading issues and things of interest to
traders without having to sit through a sales pitch by a vendor [even if that
sale pitch is low key]. Think of it as a commercial free place to have a beer
with other traders.

This list has taught me patience and tolerance, and those are very important
qualities to learn. Early on, I was much more vocal about a topic that was
brought up that I had strong feelings about--The long awaited Y2K patch was one
that really got me angry and I sent out many posts on that issue, some of them
relavent, some of them not, and some of them just plain silly. Now I'm more
content to be helpful when I think I can be and be silent and read what's
presented with a discerning eye when I have nothing to add. And of course, if a
post doesn't interest me, the delete button is always close at hand.

As for Neal posting something...if he thinks it might be of interest to people
here, why shouldn't he not only feel free to post it, I'd think most people
would encourage him to post it. He's a thoughtful poster here, he's certainly
been helpful to folks and even if someone thinks the posts are in some way an
'ad' for some advice letter, how is that any more blatant than Pierre signing
his posts with a 'www.sortrade' or John Sweeney with a 'TASC' signature [I
pulled these two out of the air...there are many more people that flash a
business interest on their posts]? Is it interesting to me? No. Are there people
on this list that might be interested? I'd bet there are.

If we're really going to limit content here, we're gonna have to use a very
fine-tooth comb. And not posting people's commentary on this list, whether it's
from T-Bond Bill or Rich the FX guy or Neal's friend or Bruce giving his view of
economic conditions, is probably fairly low on the 'Thou shalt not post' list.

That's my two cents.


Tim Morge