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Bulls-Eye BullShit from Jim Cox the Pachyderm

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Canyon678 ~ greetings & Thank you.
I had remembered Dr Dennis Meyers leading the Turkey Shoot.

ARCHIVE RE-RUN [courtesy of Canyon678]
From: Dennis Meyers <meyersx@xxxxxxx>
Message-Id: <199605302323.SAA12489@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 02:35:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Bullseye Tells the Truth

Boy there must be a full moon out or something..the system sellers are
out  in force today!

HEY JIM..if your system is This good why on earth sell it?  Make
YOURSELF a  fortune and stop cluttering the omega-list with your worthless

BTW, I think your statements are in violation of CFTC regulations
regarding  system advertising claims.  As a favor to you, I'll send a copy
of your hype to them and see what they say.

Dennis Meyers

Dr Dennis Meyers Ph.D. sure knows a Turkey when he sees one.
