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Re: omega-digest Digest V98 #549

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All of this bitching is pointless and unamusing.. I
thought the purpose of this list was to discuss
trading concepts as opposed to examining each others
dirty laundry.. oh mine's bigger than yours etc..
signs of an inferority complex Mark.. I'm afraid to
say. I know a good psychiatrist for you to discuss
your little problems with.. he'll do it for free as
he only deals with terminal cases.

So let's get back to the purpose of this list -
trading techniques

> >Mark (10 Percenter) Brown said:
> "Send the personal attacks to me privately"
> and then said
> -geeezzzsh what department of MS do you work
> (inferring a person is dumb)
> -some of your reasoning sounds very QUEER 
> (inferring a person is homosexual)
> -some of your reasoning sounds very Perverted me 
> (inferring the person is of a fringe segment of
> -Are you a member of the national Rainbow
> (additional inference of sexual persuasion)
> ...this list is way too much fun on the slow
weekends  8^)
> Andy (couldn't spell my way outta a paper bag) Dunn

> Mark Brown said:
> "Send the personal attacks to me privately"
> and then went on to say
> >That means you dont have to use your brain some..
> (inferring that only stupid people use NT)
> >Yea I imagine you can bootleg it easy, bet you
dont have license for each NT OS you have do you?
> (inferring that I am a criminal)
> >Does this mean that it wont serve up the nasty
kiddy porn pictures that you sell? 
> (inferring that I break federal laws with penalties
of life imprisonment)
> I actually think Mark may of even broken some laws
here regarding slander or liable...more fun
> Mark, you make this game too easy...hypocrites with
weak arguments are easy target.
> When presented with facts and actually studies, you
result to mud slings
> Andy
> OK, I promise that was that last fight post for
today....3 .ela posts coming right up...hold on....  :)