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RE: Linux vs NT...

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Ok, Mark I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here.  You've worked your
magic again and made this perfectly nuetural post personal and I'm not going
to come back with another personal post.    But I do want to comment on some
of points because it's obvious you spend your time writing trivial EL code
rather than dealing with real code and operating systems:

[MB Wrote]
I disagree, the smartest mind dont work for someone.  They do it for the
passions sake, they dont worry about the money, its the thrill of the game
and they will win.   The other team (MS) will have all its players walk the
field if they miss one paycheck$.

I disagree with you.  In an industry like trading that may be the case but
in the software field it's different.  You can't start your own software
company to compete against the likes of a Microsoft. The smartest minds
(obviously you're not among them) know that you can't possibly beat them so
you have to join them.  Microsoft has made milliionares in a few years of
more employees than any other company ever.  They have grown to be the
largest captitalized company in the world in a few short years.  How did
they do this?  By hiring the best and brightest and making millioinares of
many and billionares of  a few.  Some very bright person knows that if he
goes to work for a company like Microsoft (front loaded with thosands upon
thousands of stock options) and a nice 6 figure income to tide him over
until his stock options go up (and that's all they do at Microsoft by the
way -- will continue to).  Fat chance of missing a paycheck at Microsoft.
Comon even an uncoordinated  nerd like you knows that.

Contrast this to the technically bright but narrow minded nerd (ala Mark
Brown) who stares at his computer day I and out and ignores what goes on in
the rest of the world.  He programs faniltically in a shell by himself or
with his other narrow minded friends.  He doesn't grow personally but manges
to learn a little aobut how Unix andNT works so he can hopefully include it
in the next version of Linux.  While briliant minds exchange ideas in a
albiet competiviet but intelletually nurturing enviroment like Micorosoft
where programmers have access to all the books, all the information, all the
hardware and all lthe cutting edge stuff that drives the todays information
age, our POOR nerd wonders where his next paycheck will come from.  He
pushes his taped rim glasses back upon his face as the paint peel off yet
another layer in his Prof's lab.  For all his good intentions of usurping
Microsoft and providing freeware to god knows who, our pathetic hero forges
on with a lick and promise from his Prof that he's actually making a

[Mark wrote]
I disagree and have to comment this is the stupidest thing I have read
lately, inexperienced!  "Merde" man lets see you put TS on a Linux box or
even operate a Linux OS in the simplest of ways.  Its hard but it works and
it "NEVER" crashes..ever

I use NT40 workstation and it NEVER EVER EVER crashes either.  No blue
screen of death either. NT5 will fix any of the isolated problems NT4 has.
And it's easy to install!  And it's largely backwards compatible.  I'd
suggest you get up out of your but 5 day old butt groove and go get some
experience with NT then come back.  And oh by the way expect NT5  sooner
than you think cause it's ready for release NOW.

[MB wrote]
Bull, no pay MS employees walk away thats the way it is..

This has yet to happen in the histroy of the company.  With earnings for
next year coming in at a solid pace I doubt this will happen anytime soon.
Get a clue and real argument.

[MB wrote]
Oh, so that explains that BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH I SEE EACH DAY !  REBOOT,

Oh so you're using NT or Linux or just out to harass a list member?

Like I said, Linux must have some credibility but NT has more going for it.
I definitely have to learn more about Linux.  I'll see ya in a few.

This is a perfect example of how irrate, narrow minded self-procliamed
red-necks such as mark blow insginifcant issues in Tradestation and NT way
out porportion and are only capable of seeing one side of the issue.

So dry up brown casue --  as the second rate trader and even worse
programmer that you are -- you s--k dude!

Brian (if it smells brown it must be mark) Massey

PS.  Thanks for the URLs I'll check them out.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Mark Brown [mailto:markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Sunday, October 04, 1998 9:41 AM
To:	bnm@xxxxxxxxxx; omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	Re: Linux vs NT...

>1. Microsoft generally has access to the best minds in the world. Not only
>do coders know they will likely become rich (NT building has among the
>highest paid employees at MS) but they know there code and ideas will be
>far-reaching.  So there's a higher probablity that the best code from the
>best minds will work come from Microsoft.

I disagree, the smartest mind dont work for someone.  They do it for the
passions sake, they dont worry about the money, its the thrill of the game
and they will win.   The other team (MS) will have all its players walk the
field if they miss one paycheck$.

>2. I could see where Linux would be typically developed in acadamic
settings, and often a learning platform for the uninitiated and

I disagree and have to comment this is the stupidest thing I have read
lately, inexperienced!  "Merde" man lets see you put TS on a Linux box or
even operate a Linux OS in the simplest of ways.  Its hard but it works and
it "NEVER" crashes..ever.

>3. Microsoft has massive internal code reviews so how do these differ and
fall short of the peer reviews for Linux.  Coders at Microsoft have to be
directly accountable -- their livelyhood depends on it whereas Linux
developers can just walk away.

Bull, no pay MS employees walk away thats the way it is..

>4. Microsoft also produces mission critical code -- their livleyhood
depends on it

Oh, so that explains that BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH I SEE EACH DAY !  REBOOT,

>2. Does Linuex have a GUI?

Where have you been http://www.markbrown.com/linux.htm

>3. I don't want a private trading platform.  I want a public one.  I want
to be compatible with the majority.  I want to know what the other 90% of
the world out there knows so that when they come to me I can answer there
questions or visa versa.  NT5 will do a perfectly good job of giving a safe,
secure netowrkable environment.  I want customer support. I want
compatiblity.  I want upgrades that I don't have to worry about.  With Linux
who decides when a new version is coming out.  I want quality standards set
by a company like MS not some ad hoc stuff thrown together by someone and
somebody that may not even care tomorrow about it.  If I'm a large company
then I want to use a product that not only is compatible with all other
offices but also I want accountability.  Linux isn't made by one company so
there's no accountability.  It's buyer beware because you're only solution
if something doesn't work is to hack it yourself!

Below is a primer for you to get an education on Linux vs NT..

After running one of the most "vicious" anti-Unix add campaigns....
Dell gives in to Linux due to pressure from their customers!!


Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 vs. Red Hat Linux 5.1


Open OS Provides Flexible, Stable Computing Platform Linux Environment
Offers Endless Possibilities








Comments from experienced list members could benefit all interested parties.
