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> I recommend dropping The Omega Man from the list.   He has done
>  nothing but provoke controversy and disrupt the list.

Somewhere in the past it was said that 1035 subscribers are on this list.  

While not excited about the style of some of the writings, I would be
reluctant to begin a process of deciding "who and who not".

I would like to second an earlier request that we present, critique, critcize
many ideas but try to avoid the personal criticisms.  The *my ancestors are
better than your ancestors* or *my english is better than your english* only
serve to diminish the writers.  I do believe that many of these are meant to
be humorous or sardonic in the beginning, but they are cues for the angry.

I have lurked here for over a year, and if my non-statistical observation is
correct, these flare-ups seem to match the occurrence of the hysterisis in the
market as it seeks a new trend.

I have benefited greatly from these discussions.  I have code. I have new
inspirations. I have renewed humility.  I have some money left as a result of
the many cautions.  I  appreciate all the input.

Many Thanks 