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Everyone (but esp. FutureSource Users): Call/Write Omega (and FutureSource) _NOW_

  • To: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Everyone (but esp. FutureSource Users): Call/Write Omega (and FutureSource) _NOW_
  • From: "Peter Iovanella" <ivo1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 19:06:47 -0400 (EDT)

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Any of you who want to have any sort of choice whatsoever in the future as
far as data providers go have a vested interest in speaking your minds to
Omega on this matter, as well as (and especially) all those of you who use
FutureSource currently.

If you use FutureSource to get your data (like I do) and did not already
know that Omega is playing hardball with FutureSource (and vice-versa to an
extent) about allowing FutureSource to supply data for TS 5.0, you should
act immediately.  Get in touch with your FS rep and the folks at Omega (the
TSWishList@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx address for starters) and beg that they come to
terms with each other.  Otherwise you might find yourself having to change
data feed providers if you choose to upgrade to TS 5.0.

Not to spark a debate over which data provider is better, I, for one, after
having horrible experiences with BMI and Signal/DBC, refuse to ever resort
to using their inferior data ever again - the quality of both FutureSource's
data and service has far exceeded anything that was even close to that
provided by BMI and Signal/DBC while I was with them.  I suggested to Omega
that they would want to be associated with this sort of company rather than
the bloated inefficiency and inferiority of BMI and Signal in my own letter
to them, and if you've had similar experiences I'd suggest you let them know
about it, too.

Also, get in touch with the folks at FutureSource (your account reps, etc.)
and let them know that TS 5.0, notwithstanding all the negative stuff thrown
around on this newsgroup about it, will be a superior product and (as I'm
sure they already realize but clearly have not fully come to grips with)
they will definitely lose a lot of business should some deal with Omega not
be struck.

The real tragedy here is that while both sides squabble over pennies and
quotas, the customers are getting left in limbo and basically screwed.  You
might also like to point this out to both sides here.  S&P Comstock is
already (from what I've heard) out of the loop - don't let your FutureSource
fall by the wayside, too.
