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Yet another Letter to Bill Cruz

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Plotting drawing tools and indicator into the future has been announced as a
coming soon feature in the TS5 beta 3 white papers (not White Waters, please
read carefully), as well as for other features that were added in the next
beta version.

So will any flavor of TS 5.0 allow plotting into the future?  The answer is

So, I'll give you a deadline.
If nothing occurs in this sense  before 990331, I 'll join your team and
will personally be involved in the TS4 patch battle (or maybe a diplomatic
battle that I prefer, and find more efficient) Do not forget to recall this
to me right in time if the case apply .

IF, IF Cruz releases TS 5.0 before the above mentioned date.  It will be
buggy as hell, I have had MANY beta testers call me from great distances at
their expense to tell me how unstable it is.  I have several offer to send
me their beta's because they put 4.0 back on.  If this is not the case then
either you have never done a beta before for Omega or else you would admit
thats why we have 21 builds now on TS 4.0 after the release.  Omega seems to
build it as we go, fix it as they bitch.  So excuse me while I apply the
technique that Bill Cruz has taught me so well to use.  I'm bitchin now
ahead of time "excuse me" while I try to make all our lives a little more
pleasant.  Dipping bugs in chocolate may work for you but to me its still a

PS It was brought up WHY wont Omega answer our pleas for answers?

1. They are too busy answering the phones for sales and could give a shit
less about us?
2. They are too busy studying how to send yet another helpful tech solution
that will surely screw up your TS if follow their advice?  I might add that
they dont use their own product and thats why they never have a clue anytime
they send out a solution to us.  Then like usual we get the correct answers
to our problems form our own list members..they never learn.
3. They are too busy planning on the next Wally World Conference, so they
can sell you all the information that you should have received in the first
place with the program you purchased?
4. They are too busy figuring out a way to indirectly pay the main defender
here on the list so he can continue to perpetuate the myths and claim no
compensation from them?
5. They are too busy playing musical chairs too see who will be the next
Omega employee of the month that gets their chance to show how
unknowledgeable they are with their product?  Does anyone with some time
want to compile a list of those that have fallen by the wayside in the past
6. Bill Cruz is too busy giving a little Island country's leader advise on
tactics he has learned here in America about how to ignore the pleas of his

P.S. Bill Cruz you are not much of a man to have Sam Tennis, Janette Perez,
Rico Font, Melody Blais, Mitch Ackles, Miles Dunbar, Darla Tuttle, and a
whole host of others I dont remember at present do your bidding for you.  Be
man enough to come on this forum and explain to a thousand and growing list
members exactly what your plan of action is and commit to a deadline to
resolve these issues.  Dont send women and children to fight your battles
for you!  Hide no longer like a coward behind you innocent employees.
Should I hunt you down and confront you at Futures West?  What will you do
then?  Better to answer our concerns from the comfort of your corporate
hiding place than to be made a spectacle of in public?  We all waiting for
your response, but I guess I'll have to just see you at Futures West

Mark Brown
"I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it." - Clint Eastwood