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Re: I traded my 1st and last mini today

PureBytes Links

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It just might be a new paradigm for you. First one has to make sure (confirm)
your  first or original order was executed and then, after that, call or put in
in your stops. This is
how I trade our local electronic exchange.

In other words,I made sure I got the girl before preparing my prophylactic.
I mean).

New things recquires new adjustments to our style.

Mark Brown wrote:

> I have a new daytrading system that I was trying out today.  So I figured
> I'd try out the mini's since I didn't really care about making profits as I
> did just actually getting the system into the market.   My regular broker is
> in Europe on my behalf prying some money out of some German's hands.
> Anyway, I got his assistant that I hardly know.  He promptly placed the
> order and I placed a stop.  Then the trade moved my way and I decided since
> I was just screwing around, I