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Re : Religion and trading

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Dans un courrier daté du 05/09/98 23:03:31  ,  sheriff Chuck écrit :

 If any of you wonder what is the oldest recorded instance of a commodity
 trader you ought to check out Genesis 41.   The accumulation and
 distribution function of the market place has worked well for centuries.  
Humm...and what's about slippage at this time ?

 As Sheriff,  I questioned the relevancy of the "666" discussion that had
 recently taken place.  Perhaps some of you misinterpreted my admonition.  I
 simply questioned the whether anyone had shown the relevancy.  Most traders
 are affected by religion  -- either because of their faith or their
 rejection of  it.


  There is a place for religion.  For some, the religion is a
 mechanical system but even in this instance the person has to have the
 confidence and guts to trade the system and suffer the large draw downs.   
 The word religion comes from a Latin word meaning "to bind fast to".  It
 clearly deals with attitudes  -- predetermined patterns of behavior. In
 trading, nothing could more important than predetermining what you will do
 -- binding fast to predetermined ways of behavior.  For this reason,  many
 of us prefer mechanical systems.   You hear people say they follow their
 system faithfully or that they never trade without stops.  This is exactly
 that.  Ironically, religion is just as important when "winning".  When a
 trader says he is winning he has shown his arrogance and will fall shortly.
  When a trader starts counting his profits it is time to go flat.  Your
 attitude is wrong.
 Why is it you can give a successful trading system to two people and one
 will make money and the other will go bust?  

 (snip & snip snip snip)

It's always difficult, not to say impossible to discuss with a believer in
anything, religion being the widest case spread over Earth.
This does not hurt me, as I believe in nothing, with the exception of what can
be proved and tested by other people under the same conditions ( this is the
basis of the scientific method, but it's not a belief once proven).
Rethorist will say that I believe in science... Not exactly.
Once you have prove to me that this method do not work, I'll reject it.
For the moment, it has not yet been the case. So, I stick with it.

Religion is not disturbing unless it turns into proselytism.
This fact is often obseved, because the believer has in essence a non
scientific behaviour when speaking of his religion.

Can you find any proof of any validity of any religion, excepted those
provided by the believers ?
No. Sacred text were written and transmitted by believers.
Can you have a real proof that God exists beside what's above  ? No again.
Can you expect to reproduce any miracle now ? No more.
Can you expect to see the truth these days where modern technology (video,
photography, movies..)could be able to defeat any kind of fairy tale ? No
more. Unfortunately, the origin of modern religion is too far in the past to
leave a substantial proof of their foundations.
Can you admit that if God was existing, why appear 2000 years from now (y2k
again!) for chistians, less for muslims, more for buddhist, not to speak of
stoneages religions that we do not even  know.
But nothing these days. Strange, is it not ? It could be so easy to speak on
Have you asked to yourself why million of people have the same beliefs than
yours regarding God's existence, characteristics, sacred law and books and
that million of others have not the same, that all are claiming that they know
the truth and that it's impossible that so many people could be wrong at the
same time on the same thread ?

Religion is a concept made by human beings to explain what they cannot
understand, because not understanding the meaning of life and things is
Life is often difficult, thinking do not always help, and all of us know that
life ends with death.
What a brillant perspective...
Human beings are not made of widsom, therefore the need to build a religion,
more comfortable than nothing.
It's understandable, and must be respected as freedom is maybe the only thing
that anyone wants to get during life.
But no more than this.

What is annoying with believers it that they try to convert you to their
They are alway right because they believe, so if you do not, you are wrong for
They are able to build logical discurse  (like the one I'm responding to), but
a closer examination shows that it seems to be logical  only at a first
The techniques are well known and as old as the world is.
They are able to interpret anything and turn irn it to their belief as an
Centuries ago, the earth was the center of the universe for the religious
people. And flat.
None here will say the same now.
At this time, all were ignorant, so the false belief was better than nothing.
But it was nothing else than a false information.
As soon as knowledge make progress, religions adapt (with delay) to survive,
and forget their old beliefs.
But they are so numerous that the task is impossible to do, and I have other
things to focus on.

In a nutshell, "to believe" is incompatible with "to doubt", and also with
"to prove".
This is the reason why rational thinking will always fail with believers vs
non believers.

So, as an example and for ending, what the sheriff wrote about trading and
religion has nothing to do.
I'll stay with system traders.
If they backtest their systems properly, with enough data and in respect with
the scientific method, they will never ask to themselves if they believe in
their system.
If they do, it's a proof that their testing is invalid.
So, at this point they do not really have a system.
Period and go figure

I'm a system trader and I believe in nothing, and never in  a trading system.
I do not need to believe to trade (or exactly to let trade the system)
I need proofs that it works. Not that it could work.
Only that it will work.
This is plain, this is simple and this is also difficult.

I was told (by the same person) that I was acting as a believer (In Omega
Church, I suppose).
This is not true:

When I met Bill Cruz last year, he was wearing normal suit, and never imposed
his hands over my head and never said " Pierre, go and build a new virtual
Church for me  on Omega List, in saecula saeculorum, amen").

I recenly checked my computer where TradeStation was running:
A  green security block device was plugged on the back.
Removing it produced a failure of the Omega software.

I deducted that if some surnatural power was buried in TradeStation, it was
located in the green security block.
So, the godness of TradeStation was living in a small plastic and metal
device, from my scientific experience that anyone can reproduce.
Some research has shown than nothing  like existed in a church, cathedral,
mosque, ashram, monastery,synagog, wodoo cult...
At least not of this color.

I do not think that a so powerful godness could remain in a so small piece of
So, there should be  an other explanation.
Tomorrow, I'll remove the hard disk and see what's really inside.
I can hear some grinding in it, so something else should be living  in it.

I also have as a project to explore with a saw a bigger piece labelled
"Pentium II" on it.
Currently, it's warm, so this means that something is living in it too.
And  probably a surnatural creature inside too ("Intel inside", they wrote on
the computer), as it was able to install a fan to cool itself. 

I'll keep you informed of my search of the Truth if you want to know more.


-Pierre Orphelin