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Religion and trading

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If any of you wonder what is the oldest recorded instance of a commodity
trader you ought to check out Genesis 41.   The accumulation and
distribution function of the market place has worked well for centuries.  


As Sheriff,  I questioned the relevancy of the "666" discussion that had
recently taken place.  Perhaps some of you misinterpreted my admonition.  I
simply questioned the whether anyone had shown the relevancy.  Most traders
are affected by religion  -- either because of their faith or their
rejection of  it.

Trading requires guts and confidence. It requires one to think clearly when
you are in the midst of the storm.  Thinking clearly is what everyone (well
almost everyone) of us can do when paper trading.   Then, and as ALL
experienced traders remember, you put on that first trade.  Sitting in
front of the real time screen your hands tighten, your pumps as the trades
goes against you and you lose briefly any rational thinking you once had
applied when paper trading or just following the market as a spectator. You
may even stutter when you give the closing order to the trade.  

Whether your first trade was a winner or not doesn't matter.  The loss a
control when the trades goes against you or the false sense of control you
get when the trade goes your way say much about life.  In the moment of the
trade, there is or can be the awareness that you are in a chaotic moment
where fait rules.  
You made money and it was no work at all or you lost money for no reason
and you right. It where the trader needs a rule of life outside that moment
to guide him.  There is a place for religion.  For some, the religion is a
mechanical system but even in this instance the person has to have the
confidence and guts to trade the system and suffer the large draw downs.   

The word religion comes from a Latin word meaning "to bind fast to".  It
clearly deals with attitudes  -- predetermined patterns of behavior. In
trading, nothing could more important than predetermining what you will do
-- binding fast to predetermined ways of behavior.  For this reason,  many
of us prefer mechanical systems.   You hear people say they follow their
system faithfully or that they never trade without stops.  This is exactly
that.  Ironically, religion is just as important when "winning".  When a
trader says he is winning he has shown his arrogance and will fall shortly.
 When a trader starts counting his profits it is time to go flat.  Your
attitude is wrong.

Why is it you can give a successful trading system to two people and one
will make money and the other will go bust?  

Religion is important.  Before a person enters trading, the whole of his
existence must be at peace, uncluttered with inner controversy. He must be
reconciled. He must be bigger than the moment of the market you trade and
"big" is not measured in dollars.  There should be no conflicts of
priorities that he must struggle with.  He must know what is the most
important thing in his life  -- what are you willing to die for?  As a
minimum,without this decision made you will invariably get caught up in the
moment of the market.

Who here can express what part religion plays in their trading?

Charles Kaucher

At the risk of offending those who shudder at the mention of Christ, this
is one of my sig files:

Behold, how independent of outward circumstances the Holy Ghost can make
the Christian! What a bright light may shine
within us when it is all dark without! How firm, how happy, how calm, how
peaceful we may be, when the world shakes to
and fro, and the pillars of the earth are removed! - Charles H. Spurgeon