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The Mark of the Beast <off topic>

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What do the letters of the word "computer", by alphabet position, multiplied
by 6, add up to?

C     (6 * 3 = 18)
O     (6 *15 = 90)
M     (6 * 13 = 78)
P     (6 * 16 = 96)
U     (6 * 21 = 126)
T     (6 * 20 = 120)
E     (6 * 5 = 30)
R     (6 * 18 = 108)

Total:  666

What is the most powerful machine, the most powerful force, on this earth?
What is the one machine required to implement the marking?  What is the
machine that YOU use?

All the best,

The Omega Man

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Wright <redeemed10@xxxxxxxxx>
To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, August 31, 1998 8:38 PM
Subject: Cash, Liberty, and Progress

Hello friends:

I received the following post from a fellow lister.  Please read it if
you're interested in the Subject Heading.  I hope you find it


> > Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 18:50:10 -1000
> >
> >

> > >
> > >------------------------------------
> > >Hi everyone,
> > >
> > >Did you ever read the Book of Revelation in the Bible, and wonder
> > >about that passage saying something about a "certain mark on the
> > >hand or on the forehead"?  Well, that prophecy may just be
happening in
> > >our midst, and its meaning is becoming remarkably clear in the
> > >article.  I urge you to read on, for the events described will most
> > >probably affect your life.
> > >
> > >REV 13:16-17  He required everyone - great and small, rich and
> > >slave and free - to be tattooed with a certain mark on the right
hand or
> > >on the forehead.   And no one could get a job or even buy in any
> > >without the permit of that mark, which was either the name of the
> > >Creature or the code number of his name. [TLB]
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >By Chris Beard
> > >
> > >After years of planning, research, and development the world's
> > >institutions are announcing the much anticipated GLOBAL CASHLESS
> > >SOCIETY. The ability to conduct all manner of monetary exchange
is now
> > >being replaced by microchip technology and electronic currency.
> > >is the company providing this cashless system and has already
> > >over 20 major nations. This system was created in 1993 by London
> > >Tim Jones and Graham Higgins of NATWEST/COUTTS, the personal bank
> > >Britain's Royal Family.
> > >
> > >The system is based on SMART CARD technology which employs
> > >concealed in a plastic card which stores electronic cash,
> > >identification,
> > >and other information. All transaction systems are being made
secure by
> > >adopting SET protocols (Secure Electronic Transaction) and will
> > >the SET MARK.
> > >
> > >
> > >MON-DEX - A compound of the words MONETARY & DEXTER. Webster's
> > >Dictionary Encyclopedia Edition defines these words as: monetary -
> > >pertaining to money dexter - belonging to or located on the right
> > >
> > >SET - the Egyptian god of evil or Satan
> > >
> > >Along with the cards, you may use a PET device (Personal Electronic
> > >Transfer).
> > >
> > >This wallet sized calculator-like device allows you to conduct
> > >currency exchanges with other card holders. The cards also works
> > >the NORTEL/BELL VISTA 360 phone, MILLENNIUM pay phones, ATMs,
your PC,
> > >the INTERNET, and online businesses and institutions.
> > >
> > >This cashless system has been tested extensively in the city of
> > >in Ontario, Canada, and in the U.K. and U.S. All Canadian banks
> > >signed up to MONDEX and will be promoting it soon. Plans are to
have it
> > >in widespread use by 1998.
> > >
> > >The CIBC (Canadian International Bank of Commerce) has even set
up a
> > >model cashless branch inside NORTEL in Brampton, Ontario. Over 250
> > >corporations in 20 countries are involved in bringing MONDEX to the
> > >world and many nations have already been franchised to use it;
the U.K.,
> > >Canada, U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Hong Kong, China,
> > >Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand,
> > >Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama,
> > >El Salvador and Belize. The European Union is expected to adopt the
> > >MONDEX system as their unified currency solution.
> > >
> > >Other SMARTCARD systems are quickly being put aside in favor of
> > >especially since MASTER CARD bought a 51% stake in the company.
> > >will still maintain directorship in it's development and
> > >
> > >"This is the final stage in becoming a global reality," said Robin
> > >'Kelly of MONDEX International. "With MasterCard's backing, there's
> > >nothing to stop MONDEX now from becom ing the global standard.
> > >
> > >Eventually the idea of carrying a card will become obsolete as
> > >soon discover that it has its security limitations-namely, being
> > >susceptible to damage, loss and theft. The final solution will be
> > >have the microchip simply placed inside the human body as they do
> > >with microchip pet identification systems.
> > >
> > >INFOPET is one of several companies that provide a syringe gun
> > >implantable bio-chip that is injected under the skin of an
animal.  The
> > >chip can be read by a scanner and the code identifying the owner
and pet
> > >will bring up a file on a computer. The system boasts that it can
> > >over 1 billion pets by satellites and cellular towers.
> > >
> > >MOTOROLA, who produce the microchips for the MONDEX SMARTCARD, has
> > >developed several human implantable bio-chips.The BT952000 chip was
> > >engineered by Dr. Carl Sanders who was directed in 17 NEW WORLD
> > >meetings to develop the device for global use in humans for
economic and
> > >identification purposes.
> > >
> > >The bio-chip measures 7mm long and .75mm in width, about the size
of a
> > >grain of rice. It contains a transponder and a rechargeable lithium
> > >battery.
> > >
> > >The battery is charged by a thermo-couple circuit that produces
> > >from fluctuations in body temperature. They spent over 1.5 million
> > >dollars studying where to place the chip in the human body.
> > >
> > >They found only two suitable and efficient places - the FOREHEAD
> > >under the hairline, and the back of the hand, specifically the
> > >HAND.
> > >
> > >"And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the
> > >and the free men and the slaves, to be given mark in their right
> > >or in their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able
to buy
> > >or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the
> > >or the number of his name."  Revelation 13:16
> > >
> > >Dr. Sanders was against the use of the lithium battery because it
> > >known that if it were to break the lithium would cause a GRIEVOUS
> > >or sore and cause much agony to the host.
> > >
> > >"And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and
> > >fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark
of the
> > >beast, and upon them which worshiped his image." Revelation 16:2.
> > >
> > >After Dr. Sanders left the project, he was introduced to the
> > >scriptures in the Bible concerning the "mark of the beast".  He
> > >converted to the Christian faith and now conducts seminars on this
> > >topic.  He developed patented medical, surveillance, and security
> > >equipment for the FBI, CIA, IRS, IBM, GE, Honeywell, and
Teledyne. He
> > >has also received the President's and Governor's award for design
> > >excellence.
> > >
> > >Mark is charagma, which means a scratch, or etching, stamp,
insignia, or
> > >mark of servitude. The number 666 is the Greek phrase Chi Xi Sigma,
> > >meaning to stick or prick, a mark incised or punched for the
> > >of ownership.
> > >
> > >The industry name for the advanced smart card developed by
> > >the U.S. DOD (Department of Defense) is the MARC (Multi-technology
> > >Automated Reader Card).
> > >
> > >The code name for it's development was 'TESSERA'. A tessera was the
> > >Roman insignia of ownership placed on their slaves which if re
> > >would result in the slave being branded with a mark. In November
1996 an
> > >agreement was made by which GEMPLUS will supply smartcards for the
> > >global implementation of MONDEX.
> > >
> > >AT&T/Lucent Technologies purchased the franchise for MONDEX USA.
> > >logo is the symbol of the Solar Serpent or RED DRAGON who is Satan.
> > >
> > >LUCENT is compounded from LUCIFER - ENTERPRISES. They seem to be
> > >flagrant in naming their products STYX (a river in Hades), JANUS (2
> > >faced god) and INFERNO promoted with a quote from "The Inferno,"
a story
> > >about LUCIFER in the bowels of hell. The "ring of fire" is the
> > >Pantheon.  This company deliberately chose to move their new
> > >into 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
> > >
> > >"Day was departing, and the darkening air called all earth's
> > >to their evening quiet while I alone was preparing as though for
war." -
> > >The Inferno, Dante, Canto II .
> > >
> > >One of their proudest achievements is TTS (Text To Speech) in
which they
> > >give the human-like quality of speech to lifeless technology.
This only
> > >tends to remind one of the apocalyptic scriptures.
> > >
> > >"And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the
beast, that
> > >the image of the beast might even speak." Revelation 13:15
> > >
> > >Since it is not practical to place a microchip in every product
that is
> > >to ever be bought and sold a UPC BARCODE does the job nicely.
> > >What most people don't realize is that this is the "mark of the
> > >for the products we buy, use and dispose of everyday. Every UPC
> > >contains the numbers 666.
> > >
> > >You will find one of two versions of the mark. The most common
has 10
> > >numbers divided into two parts. The other will have 6 numbers. In
> > >versions there are 3 unidentified bars. Those bars are 6, 6, and 6.
> > >These are called guard bars, they tellthe scanner when to start,
> > >and stop the reading.
> > >
> > >"Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast
for the
> > >number is that of a man, and his number is 666." Revelation 13:18
> > >
"My soul waits in silence for God only;