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Re: Continuous Contracts

  • To: Phil Lane <logical@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Continuous Contracts
  • From: "Samuel K. Tennis" <skt@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 18:14:07 -0400 (EDT)
  • In-reply-to: <199808271913.MAA28622@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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	It has been said that looking at the performance summary is the first step
of optimization.

	I have written code that exits MOC and re-enters at Market each quarter,
just to force the system to assume a bit more realistic slippage values.

	I normally recommend using backward adjusted continuous contracts.  If
your system used a percentage of price then this type of data may not be
acceptable unless you divide the market into several relatively short
overlapping segments.


At 12:54 PM 08/27/98 -0700, you wrote:
>>Does anyone have an opinion / comments / insights on the use of Continuous
>>Contracts Data for market analysis of futures?  Advantages / Disadvantages?
>We use the actual contracts, and string them together as you would when
>rolling them over. To get accurate results if your program is in the market
>you need to have it rollover as well, i.e. selling MOC on the last day of
>one contract, then buying the open of the next contract the next day.
>I think actual data is the only valid thing for backtesting. Some people
>don't even believe in backtesting! I guess you could just flip a coin.
>Personally I like to know the odds.
    Samuel K. Tennis,  VISTA Research and Trading, Inc.
    8103 Camino Real C-409       voice: 1(305) 273-1321
    S. Miami, FL  33143            fax: 1(305) 273-9164
    skt@xxxxxxxx               http://www.gate.net/~skt