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Re: Trading as a way to financial success (a reply)

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Michael Joyce wrote:

>Tsk, Tsk, yourself, after all it was you that said:  "Reason tells us that
there are no mystical beings
>such as are referred to as:  'Gods'..."
>I assumed from the context that you had something to backup your
>statement, some "reasoning" other than a little voice in your head
>telling you it was so.

I do have reasoning.  My reasoning is that there is no evidence to support
the existence of mystical beings.  This is why I said "Reason tells us

Then Michael wrote:

>You are, of course, free to believe or disbelieve in whatever you wish,
>as are the rest of us.  You may even believe that your choices are
>without consequence.

Of course, you are free to believe whatever you wish.  You are the one who
asked me to present a proof that god does not exist.

I could not believe that my choices are without consequence - that would be
contrary to reason and experience.  All choices have consequences, or, one
might say, all choices have results.

All the best,

The Omega Man (TM)

I swear - by my life and my love of it - that I will never live for the sake
of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Joyce <mikejjs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: The Omega Man (TM) <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, August 13, 1998 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Trading as a way to financial success (a reply)

The Omega Man (TM) wrote:
> Michael Joyce wrote:
> >Please send me a well reasoned proof that God does not exist.
> Now that's a classic I haven't heard in a while...  You didn't really
> the Omega Man (TM) to fall for that one, did you Mike?  Attempting to
> the burden of proof to me has got to be the oldest trick in the book.  And
> trying to get me to attempt to prove a negative on top of it!  Tsk, Tsk...

Tsk, Tsk, yourself, after all it was you that said:
> Reason tells us that there are no mystical beings such as are referred to
as:  "Gods"
I assumed from the context that you had something to backup your
statement, some "reasoning" other than a little voice in your head
telling you it was so.

> Please understand:  The burden of proof is yours.  You are the one
> postulating the existence of something.
I don't believe I stated that God exists.  You stated that reason
implies that he does not, and that (IMO) is an error.  Reason alone can
not prove or disprove anything.  Personal experience is required and
even that is not infallible.

> All I say is:  show me the evidence.
Do you believe in gravity?  I do, every day I experience it.  I can't
explain it, I can't even see it, yet I see the effects of it.  Do you
believe Africa exists?  I do, but I've never been there.  To prove it to
myself I would have to personally travel there and experience it.  Of
course, if I had poor maps and no navigational skills I might not find
it, yet even that would not disprove its existence.

> And please, refrain from all references to:  ghosts, fairies,
> crystal balls, tarrot cards, ESP, UFO's, little voices in your head
> "prayers" by some), elves, leprechauns, monsters, devils, heavens, hells,
> "christs", etc. etc. etc.

You are, of course, free to believe or disbelieve in whatever you wish,
as are the rest of us.  You may even believe that your choices are
without consequence.
