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Why or Why Mr. Omega man are you having Wally World in Las Vegas in l999. I
know your sales dept. loves the bar scene, but if you were really interested
you would consider a financial center where people could have VIP tours of
the Exchanges and meet real traders not  seminar circuit speakers. NY, Chi,

Why or Why Mr.Omega man does every trade station seem to have a boomerang in
Why is your return policy based on the Federal 30 day law? 60 days would
seem fair?
Why or Why Mr. Omega man did you get upset when I told a 72 year old man who
does not have a computer that he does not need to buy trade station and back
test his ideas, when he has accumalted wealth by using dollar cost averaging
and buy and hold quality stock.
why or why Mr. Omega man do your 22 year old sales kid give the same on the
road sales pitch complete with jokes and gestures without regard to the
economic conditions of the week. Are they robots?
Why or  why Omega man don't you put Mark Brown on a special consumer panel.
And why or why Omega man why don't trade a system we could follow and guage
how successful you are for writing software that generates a few bucks a

I have seen the future and it is backtested.!!!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: The Omega Man (TM) <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Neal T. Weintraub <thevindicator@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sunday, August 09, 1998 11:52 AM

>Oh yes, all credit is yours.  I took my cue here from, of all places,
>Goodyear.  Those guys are marketing wizards.  I noticed the other day that
>they have registered the name "Run-Flat tire".  Now I would have thought
>that "Run-Flat" was a generic term - that anyone could make a run-flat,
>Michelin, Bridgestone, Goodyear, whomever.  Well guess what...  Now
>owns the name.  No one else can make a "run-flat".  Michelin is now calling
>their run-flat a "zero pressure tire".
>Of course, everything I own is for sale, every day of the week, in case
>someone at Omega wants to purchase my new name...
>All the best,
>The Omega Man (TM)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Neal T. Weintraub <thevindicator@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: The Omega Man <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Sunday, August 09, 1998 2:23 PM
>That was fast. I hope you give me some credit for giving you the name. I
>thought someone at Omega would like to have it.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: The Omega Man <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: Neal T. Weintraub <thevindicator@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Cc: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Saturday, August 08, 1998 8:59 AM
>>Actually, I've already trademarked "The Omega Man" name.
>>All the best,
>>The Omega Man (TM)
>>I swear - by my life and my love of it - that I will never live for the
>>of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Neal T. Weintraub <thevindicator@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>To: The Omega Man <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>Cc: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>Date: Saturday, August 08, 1998 11:42 AM
>>Subject: Re: NUNS OF THE NFA
>>Be careful, Omega man. Your name may be taken away from you by your good
>>buddies in Miami and given to Jake or larry or curly or moe.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: The Omega Man <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>To: dcountach <countach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
>>Date: Saturday, August 08, 1998 5:12 AM
>>Subject: Re: NUNS OF THE NFA
>>>Indeed it was.  Written by Ms. Rand, the greatest philosopher since
>>>Aristotle.  And spoken by one John Galt in "Atlas Shrugged".  And adopted
>>>one Omega Man as his creed.
>>>All the best,
>>>The Omega Man
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: dcountach <countach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>Date: Friday, August 07, 1998 5:45 PM
>>>Subject: Re: NUNS OF THE NFA
>>>>Subject:          Re: NUNS OF THE NFA
>>>>   Date:          Fri, 7 Aug 1998 05:06:18 -0400
>>>>   From:         "The Omega Man" <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>     To:          "iain bell" <ibell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>><xet73@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Omega List"
>>>>Iain Bell wrote:
>>>>>Don't you have any responsibility to your fellow man ? If you think you
>>>>>don't then you're probably in for a rude awakening......
>>>>I swear - by my life and my love of it - that I will never live for the
>>>>of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.
>>>>The Omega Man
>>>Very pithy, Omega.   But wasn't that line written by Ayn Rand ?
>>>>From: Trader J <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>To: xet73@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <xet73@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Omega List
>>>>Date: 03 August 1998 22:30
>>>>Subject: Re: NUNS OF THE NFA
>>>>>What I say is this:  no one has the right to stop me (or you).  If I
>>>>>buy a piece of land and cut down all the trees on it to build myself a
>>>>>house, well, I darn well shouldn't need anyone's permission to do it.
>>>>>yet, there are a slew of regulators out there who think that they
>>>>>have the right (via their building codes) to tell me what I can and
>>>>>build.  That's horse hockey.  I'll build whatever I want.
>>>Where you gonna build?  The only place I know of with minimal building
>>>codes is the Nevada desert.  (Other similarly destitute places are
>>>probably similarly minimal.)
>>>You certainly won't mind when I buy the property on both sides of you,
>>>and build 15-story apartment buildings.  With  large palm trees all
>>>Which completely shade your property, except at High Noon.