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Re: US settings?

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To all:

	My point exactly, Cliff.  If only you could read between my lines (and I
believe you actually did) you would hear the plaintive wail of complaint
directed toward my friends at Omega.  I complain but try to do so politely,
given my unique relationship.

	There is another consideration.  Glen Larson at Genesis Financial Services
has developed the ability to provide paste-in compatible OMZ files of
cleaned data.  They have also created a very sophisticated data format, y2k
compliant of course, which they have petitioned Omega to support for a
great while.

	Statements were made at the Solution Provider meeting in Miami, Florida
that this data feed was to be implemented but it appears that omega changed
there corporate minds.  Any and all requests to the powers that be asking
for support of this data feed would be appreciated.


At 11:22 AM 08/03/98 -0600, you wrote:
>> 	Unless things have changed (radically) since I was there:
>> 	The lucky Omega employee waits late in the day, possibly after his
>> scheduled work hours, and then downloads the data for the day.  He next
>> copies it to the FTP site.  They try to get the data up on the web as
>> quickly as possible.  Realize that this process is no less arduous or time
>> consuming for them than it is for us.  The effort required pretty much
>> rules out a repetition of the process the next morning...
>Chiseling your own stone wheels, then attaching them to the hand-sawn
tree-limb axle before going to the grocery store is also "ardous and time
consuming", but as some of us know, there are other options.  Omega should
make use of  simple technology, and save their developers time for more
important things, like Y2K patches for TS 4.0.
	FYI: At the same meeting Bill Cruz made public statements that TS40 would
be patched for y2k compliance.  They do NOT intend that every user be
forced to update.
	My contrarin observation is that 2000 contracts are already on the board.
How do we collect, or even trade, those far out contracts now?  People do
trade EuroDollar rather far out, right?
>There is absolutely no reason the entire process could not and should not
be completely automated.

    Samuel K. Tennis,  VISTA Research and Trading, Inc.
    8103 Camino Real C-409       voice: 1(305) 273-1321
    S. Miami, FL  33143            fax: 1(305) 273-9164
    skt@xxxxxxxx               http://www.gate.net/~skt