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Re: Internet security

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This is NOT a hoax, it is a REAL risk that we assume when we connect to
the internet (hey I thought I was taking on mainly price risk and
liquidity risk when I was trading), and something we need to look into
more thoroughly as the internet becomes more integrated into trading and
our lives - now I understand why they call it the INTERNET.

If these hackers can crack the Pentagon etc, I doubt whether it would be
too difficult for some 17 year old cracker, slurping diet Pepsi and
woofing down a 1/4 pounder with cheese (I think they call it a Royale
with cheese in France) to crash your system or peek at your files.

The reason why developers aren't too open on this issue, is because they
don't want their customers to know or complain, and the reason why these
public hacker sites exist is so users will complain and the developers
are compelled to fix these security loopholes.  Well that's the theory.

I don't know the probabilities on me or you being hacked, but it isn't a
risk I want to assume.  I think this issue is only applicable to
computers that are networked but I am not sure on that count. Can
someone help on that?

Whatever the answer,  now I will only use a DEDICATED NON-NETWORKED (no
file sharing enabled) computer to connect to the web, and another one
for my trading apps.    I hope this is enough  and that Microsoft can
get ahead of this curve . . .

Paranoid Peter

PS here is a document that comes with WinHack . . .

Ok you ready for this?

Hack into thousands of Windows '95, 'NT, or 98 computers without them
knowing you are on it.. you are mad at aomeone? No problem, DELETE their
computer! hhehe

Make sure to read the mIRC and the troubleshoot doc if you have

Options are simple, from Mirc just add the junk in the add2mirc.doc, and
click on any user to see if you can get in, or join a channel and click
exploitall!  You guessed it, it will try everyone in the channel!

Things to do:

After connecting you might want to 

A. Add a folder to their HD to see if you have write access, then delete
   it right away. If you get access denied you can only read their drive
   you might want to try the same on their other drives if they have

If you can write, you can add autoop in their mirc, or
just change their aliases file so that when they try to kick, ban, etc..
it will op you instead ;)

B. Look for warez, if you are into that...

C. Look for warftp or other password program info on their drive

D. Snag their tree.dat file for cuteftp

E. Check out their desktop directory, there is always good stuff in

F. For personal info, names, telephone, addresses, family members names
   look in the My Documents directory.

G. Always check the mirc\download directory, the best stuff in there!

If you get a password box with $ in it, it is a unix machine, just
it.  If you get the drives, but one is password protected, right click
the connect box, choose properties, and read the name of their workgroup
and computer name, try them and other comon passwords.

Using winhack.c

compile the program or use the compiled one.  

compile using :  gcc winhack.c -o winhack

This program will make a list of ipaddresses that are win 95, 98, nt,
remember they might disconnect by the time you get to try them, so i
the batmaker.c

Command line would be:

./winhack -d 207.6.78.x -o test.txt -b

./winhack runs the program

./winhack -d 207.6.78.x defines what class C you are going after, if you
pick cable modems you will be better off also, much faster connects..
most of the time are cable modems.

-o = output filename
-b = run in the background

do the same with batmaker, only you will get output like:

root:/winhacker# ./batmaker -d 24.92.98.x
batmaker 0.9c - ShhhhhiT - Batmaker '98

explorer \\
explorer \\
explorer \\
explorer \\
explorer \\
explorer \\
explorer \\
explorer \\
explorer \\
explorer \\
explorer \\

Now just copy and paste into your windows directory in a .bat filename,
just download it and run it, bamb!  you will be connecting to computers
right and left!

Things to remember:

1. do not tell people that can be hacked that you hacked them, they will
figure it out and turn off their sharing or add a password.

2. this is undetectable right now so they can't see your ipaddress or
you, but i am told that there is a company that has a program that does
called hackerproof98 or something like that.  so watch out you never

3. password cracker comming up next, so watch for it ;)

4. if you delete their hd you delete any access of going back, so think
about it first.. if it is some gay asshole, or kiddyporn dude, go for


should i take credit for this work? na.. it is way to easy to do...
just providing you the info...

thanks to BiT for his ipscanner hack made for IMAP, modified here for
