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Re: Larry Williams as a Trader...

  • To: "Timothy Morge" <RonAug@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Larry Williams as a Trader...
  • From: "Gonzo" <gonzo@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 23:17:34 -0700

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My real question was not whether his advertised trading methods are worth a
darn or not.  The question is ... Did he crash an burn and now does these
trading tapes seminars ect???

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Morge <tmorge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Ron Augustine <RonAug@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, June 29, 1998 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: Larry Williams as a Trader...

>Ron and other people defending traders hawking junk to people that don't
>No, I don't have to be fair. If you sell your name or reputation, you are
>game if the products and commercials are cheesey. I don't question Larry
>Williams or anyone else's trading. The beauty of trading is that your own
>account keeps score. Period.
>That being said, taking advantage of the public is not excusable. Not to
>People that sell junk to suckers don't get a pass from me. If you wish to
>them one, be my guest. Trading is hard to learn. It's impossible if some
>infomercial features a well-known trader that sells you a pile of goo.
>anyone value their own reputation anymore???
>Someone said...never give a sucker a break...better is: Fool me once, shame
>you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
>Me? I trade for a living. If I tell someone I use a product, you better
>well believe you'd see that product on my trading computer. I don't sell my
>or my reputation. You can't buy it at any price.
>I don't know Larry Williams or any other slick salesmen out there peddling
>things. And that's the end of my sermon. Do the trading world a
>someone new to trading next time they ask a question. It's hard to get
>trading, especially with all the 'big names' looking in your wallet.
>Tim Morge
>Ron Augustine wrote:
>> Just to be fair, it should be noted that these tacky info-mercials are
>> created or owned by the likes of Larry Williams, Jake Bernstein, etc.
>> are simply hired hands-- same as Sly Stallone is hired by a movie
>> to star in a Rambo flick.
>> "Hey Larry -- I'll give you a cool mill to sit in front of a camera for a
>> couple of hours and spout off about your incredible trading system.  Once
>> enough suckers respond and I recover my investment and make another mill,
>> I'll give you 50% of everything we take in beyond that-- how's that sound
>> Larr???  What da ya think ??? -- Sound good??? -- Beats trading,
>> _____________________________________
>> At 10:01 PM 6/29/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> >> Why would you think there is "not any true risk in a trading contest"
>> >> ???
>> >> It was real money and the account was being traded in the real market.
>> >>
>> >> Larry did have a $300,000 draw-down on his way to $1.1 million, so
>> >> obviously
>> >> this occurred after he had bumped the $10K start-up a bit.
>> >
>> >Obviously, the perenial question is, if he is so good at trading why
>> >does he spend so much time hawking trading systems and classes in the
>> >same cheesy fashion as Ron Popeil and Ginsu knives??  Although I have
>> >heard enough about him to respect him more than most, his marketing
>> >tactics are quite unprofessional, IMHO.
>> >