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Re: Smaller Goal Versus Bigger....

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MY FRIEND WROTE....................

<< Geez, I don't think this can be answered without addressing all
 the other factors in your trading strategy.  Such as:
  - How frequently does your entry technique put you into the
 market?  If it waits for the "perfect opportunity", that only
 comes along once a week, then settling for 1/2 point isn't
 going to pay the rent.  If you get signals every hour, then
 MAYBE you can overcome slippage, commission, error, etc with
 1 to 1/2 point per trade - but, I doubt it.
  - How accurate are your signals?  Trading with less than a point
 stop-loss is pretty tough.  Even with a great signal, it's rare
 that the market doesn't retrace at least 1/2 point from your entry.
  - What commissions are you paying?  Entering on limits, or at
 market (effects slippage)?
  - etc, etc. There is no "right answer" to S&P daytrading.  But,
 in general, I'd be skeptical of the small sizes of both your
 target and your stop-loss.  From my experience, you need a LOT
 more room at both ends. >>
Thanks, I think YOu are right that trading S&P 500 Futures DAILY requires more
ROOM at both sides so that I won't get out just before the nice Uptrend starts
and also loosing a much bigger rally then I thought, which got cut be eraly
profit taking.
Now, dont YOu Think It would Be good Idea to just get out of HALF of my
positions so that I will still br able to catch that BIG ONE Coming Up
(hopefully :)) ??

Anybody any comments please ...]]

