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Re: Warning

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Subject: A very real warning
> > >
> > >Hi
> > >
> > >A few days ago, a friend I consider a reliable source of information
> > >me the following email message:
> > >
> > >"I received a telephone call from an individual identifying himself as
> > >AT&T Service Technician who was conducting a test on our telephone
> > >He stated that to complete the test we should touch nine (9), zero (0),
> > >pound sign (#) and then hang up. Luckily, we were suspicious and
> > >Upon contacting the telephone company we were informed that by pushing
> > >you give the requesting individual full access to your telephone line,
> > >which allows them to place a long distance telephone calls billed to
> > >home phone number. We were further informed that this scam has been
> > >originating from many of the local jails/prisons. I have also verified
> > >information with UCB Telecomm."
> > >
> > >My friend added:
> > >
> > >"Please beware. This sounds like an Urban Legend - IT IS NOT!!! I
> > >called GTE Security this morning and verified that this is definitely
> > >possible. DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. The GTE Security department
> > >requested that I share this information with EVERYONE I KNOW!!!
> > >
> > >"Could you PLEASE pass this on. If you have mailing lists and/or
> > >newsletters from organizations you are connected with, I encourage you
> > >pass on this information.
> > >
> > >"We got the same message from internal Telecommunications at 3M - they
> > >notified me as the receptionist as some of the 3M locations were being
> > >It is very real, and one of the local companies here had over $3000
> > >to their phone bill."
> > >
> > >I then called Skip Gillis, the manager for Alltel of Middle Georgia,
> > >in Perry, which covers many communities from Dublin west to the Alabama
> > >line. I asked Skip about this and he immediately started saying "This
> > >true!" before I got through the first paragraph. It is true, giving
> > >your 90# will enable them to use your line for long distance telephone
> > >calls.
> > >
> > >Skip told me that if it is a local telephone company doing work on your
> > >line for any reason, they will have a full identification message and
> > >give you a number to call for verification. Otherwise, he said simply
> > >up and do not under any circumstance give a 90# signal.
> > >
> > >If you receive more than one copy of this from me, please disregard. I
> > >simply hitting all of my mailing lists (half dozen or so) with this
> > >to get the word out. This is a real world problem, not an urban legend.
> > >Pass the message along to your friends.
> > >