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Re: Support for older TS vers (was: New Tradestation 5.0!)

  • To: Peter 2150 <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Support for older TS vers (was: New Tradestation 5.0!)
  • From: Ron Augustine <RonAug@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 19:52:37 -0700

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Good point Pete! -- I ran TS 3.5 on a 386 and a 486 and it was a bit slow --
When I went to 4.0 I upgraded to a P-100, then to a P-233 clone-- both made
a major difference in performance and speed.  
For anyone who might be interested-- I bought a Cyrix P-233 MMX clone with
32Mb Ram one day recently at Computer City for $699 as a joke-- Since they
had a 30 day refund policy, I thought I would spend a couple of days proving
that it was a piece of junk, then return it.  I threw every bit of difficult
software at it that I could find, but it took it all in stride with amazing
I hadn't even thought of installing TS on it, since I know well the demands
that it puts on a system.  I eventually got the courage to try it anyway and
it not only ran TS without problems, but all my Internet and other software
also.  Nobody could be more surprised by this than I was.

Since then, I've upgraded to 96Mb Ram and a multi-monitor card-- all without
problems.  Needless to say, I no longer plan to return the machine.
Just food for thought if budget considerations are a concern to anyone.
At 11:19 PM 4/29/98 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 98-04-29 23:15:24 EDT, RonAug@xxxxxxxx writes:
>> It's none of my business, but I'm curious-- why would anyone be reluctant 
>> to upgrade to ver. 4.0 or higher?  
>As a reluctant upgradee,  I'll answer that.   I am still running a 486 DX2 66
>machine with 8 Meg of RAM and Win3.11.   TS3.5 runs fine.  Everyone tells me
>4.0 will be much slower unless I upgrade the hardware, and they are probably
>right.   I do in fact
> have 4.0 sittting in the closet, awaiting the point at which I buy new
>machines.  But the bottom line question to turn the tables is, this setup with
>the machine and 3.5 is doing EVERYTHING I need it to.  What do I gain by
>                           Pete