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Re: Tom DeMark TDFoolishness

  • To: "Neal Chabot" <sire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Tom DeMark TDFoolishness
  • From: John Sweeney S&C <JSweeney@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 08:56:29 -0700
  • In-reply-to: <19980412235614.AAA20653@xxxxxxxx>

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I can't resist suggesting you read a better magazine. Buzz me for a suggestion.


>Recently I started to read an article by Tom and T.J. DeMark in the March
>"Futures Magazine" p. 40 entitled "Fools Rush In".  Prepared once again to
>give TD the benefit of the doubt, I read the following at the beginning of
>the article:
>"Most traders depend on the RSI and stochastics ... but reliance on these
>techniques is unfounded (because) the RSI (and stochastics) are calculated
>by using
>exponential moving averages"  [NEWS TO ME -- is he talking about the
>and ...  "Oftentimes extraneous events, such as electrical failures,
>weather, unexpected developments, etc., will ... impact the RSI values.
>Because arithmetically calculated oscillators cover a specified time
>period, they don't have this limitation."
>There are at least two responses to this techni-goop -- LAUGH or CRY.
>How this stuff gets past the editor in this publication I don't know.  I
>did not continue reading the article.  If anyone has read it and has
>something worthwhile to report, please motivate me to go back to it.  I am
>still very eager to find an "arithmetically calculated oscillator" that
>would not be affected by electrical failures, weather, and (to take it all
>the way), Acts of God.
>This should be a warning to all List members that what is written in
>popular publications is not necessarily accurate, insightful, or even

John Sweeney, Tech. Editor  Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
Technical Analysis, Inc.    The Traders' Magazine
4757 California Ave. S.W.   Phone: 206 938-0570  Fax: 206 938-1307
Seattle, WA 98116-4499 USA  Web: http://www.traders.com/
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