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Trading Psych by Bob Kodama 032698

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To All:

Slow trading day today.

Cleaning out list.

Responding to Scott's question.

"Why is everybody willing to feely dispense with their psych secrets, 
but not with their methodology secrets? "

There are no secrets.  Everything you need to know about how to make
money trading 
stocks is free.  Again, you can find all you need on the internet and at
the library.

Trading is all about YOU.

Who you are.

What you believe in.

How much faith and confidence you have in what you are doing.

If you do not know what you are doing, the tuition will be very high.

I have paid about $80,000 tuition to the market since I have been

And I am still ahead.  Still trading on the house's money.

I have NO EXCUSES for my bonehead mistakes.  But I know what I have done
and have corrected them.

The tuition is a bitch.

A sleep at the switch.

In January I was skiing with my friends in Utah.

Foggy day.  Riding the chair up by myself.  Very relaxing.  My eyes
Daydreaming.  Wake up right when I am suppose to stand up to get off.
Trip the shutoff switch.  Shutdown the whole chair. 
Say to myself. I am not riding this sucker down. Slide off the chair.
Flopping around in the snow.  My friends look back, "what are you
Operator runs out. You ok?   Respondence:  Sorry, I fell a sleep.

Question:  Why don't they have music at the top of the lifts?

Scott, did going to Douglas' seminar help you make more money?

Someone on the list said:  the market is like a casino or blackjack

I agree.  But also you get to count the cards and they don't throw you
of the game.

Good trading to you all.

Make some money today.  


        Re: 90% Psych?
        Sun, 30 Nov 1997 15:37:25 -0800
        Scott <trader20@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OK, so you should have no problem telling us the details of your
methodology since unless we have that missing 90% psych stuff we are not
going to make any money from it.

The above is sarcastic, but this is not: Why is everybody willing to
dispense with their psych secrets, but not with their methodology

I will throw this out...the true value of any trading advice is inversly
proportional to how freely it is given away. If you disagree, I'd like
hear your reasoning. If you agree with the above statement, it's pretty
hard to value commonly and inexpensively available psych advice as 90%
the trading equation while jealously guarded system details as only 10%.

Scott Hoffman

>I agree with Mark Douglas
>(author of The Disciplined Trader) when he told me at his seminar that
>trading is actually more than 90% psychology and only 10% or less