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Re: New potential TS user needs advice

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Brian Meads wrote:
> I have been trading using the Ken Robert's method for about a year now
> lost a significant amount of money.  Determined to improve my trading
> methods, I have read a number of books and articles on the subject and I
> now of the opinion that I should buy Tradestation, conjure up a few
> systems, test them on historical data and then take the plunge again with
> system that looks promising.

Considering that you've been losing money, you should trade "small" and not
"plunge" into anything until you start making some money and get a feel for
whatever method will work for you. That's my opinion, but you may have
deeper pockets than me.
> I live in New Zealand and because of time zone differences I cannot
> trade intraday yet (I have full time job unrelated to trading). Instead I
> am hoping to download daily trading information from the web at the end
> each day (ie, daily hi,lo, open, close), run it through my system and
> any trading signals to a broker to enter the next day.

You may want to look into some recent posts on this list concerning
electronic trading over the web. More efficient than e-mail.
Since you won't be trading intraday, you do not need expensive satellite
feeds. Dial/Data, CSI, Dow Jones and other end-of-day data providers
available to you over the internet cost from $20 to $80 a month for good
EOD quotes.
> I need some advice on the following and would appreciate any assistance
> contibutors to this group could provide:
> 1.  Can I just enter daily hi, lo, open & close info into TS 4.0 and get
> to give me trading signals, or do I need a satellite feed and data in a
> special format?

Entering data by hand is likely a waste of your time. TS can read different
> 2.  Will TS 4.0 do what I am hoping to do?

Yes, but gather all the facts from the individual vendor(s) before buying
> 3.  Will TS 4.0 allow me to print daily, weekly and monthly tick charts
> contracts I am interested in?

Yes, but are you intending on day trading or making decisions at end of
> 4.  Is there an alternative method of getting satellite-type feeds using
> the internet? I don't believe it is possible to get a BMI satellite feed
> New Zealand.

You may want to check out the Signal/BMI web page at www.dbc.com for some
data answers.
> 5.  Any suggestions on good brokers that would meet my requirements (ie.
> offshore client, email interaction, reputable etc.). I currently pay
> $75 a round trip for a full service broker and so I am looking for a
> cost alternative.

Most good discount brokers charge less than $40.00 commission.
There are many (Jack Carl, Lind-Waldock, LFG, etc., etc.) but you should do
more research like subscribe to Futures and also Stocks and Commodities
magazines in order to get more or less current on brokers, software,
trading ideas, etc.
Hope that was of help.

Carlos Lourenco