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Re : universal server /universal bashing

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Dans un courrier daté du 31/01/98 00:46:52  , vous avez écrit :

 Anyone have any problems when using version 2.0 of the Universal Server?
 I installed the server on a pentium 90 yesterday. Installation is easy
 and the product looks like a well-designed package. But within a day, it
 has crashed 3 times and there are several bugs in the record parser. I
 would be happy to document these and submit them to the company with the
 idea of building a better product, but I didn't find a contact name or
 email address. Anybody have a contact name?
 With all the negative press about the Trade Station server, my vote for
 best server still goes to Aspen Graphics (www.aspenres.com). Fast, easy,
 logical and, yes, Y2K compliant. And Omega could learn from a lot from
 ASPEN about implementing a good tick filter. Aspen automatically
 corrects many "suspect" ticks. It keeps them in the data base but marks
 them as invalid. You edit these by simply clicking on the chart! And no
 symbol universe. Just specify the exchange and it collects all data for
 that exchange unless you specify only certain instruments.

This is funny at least...
Two years ago, Omega bashers were praising to see the late Power Trader as the
Omega  TradeStation competitor.

Some quarters later, the Universal server was the coming death of Omega
Research (still alive)

Some months ago, the millenarist fear came up in its modern form (Y2K).

One month ago, the battle field was displaced to the Daytrader Pro and its EL
compatibility (supposed, promised, expected...).

One week ago, a lawsuit (whom nothing knows who did this) was the new
"coqueluche" of the same crew.

Now, the miracle Universal server is crashing.
Power Trader is deadlike.
Daytrader Pro EL is still  a paper project.
YK2 patch has been announced here  by Omega,but who knows what means to read ?
A lawsuit in a country like the United States (of America ?) is as normal as
coud be a claim against Omega on this list...

What is strange in fact is that all of what you predict to be the O
e you serious or do you need some Prozac pills to give us a rest before the
TS5 availability ?

How long I have been hearing here the worst of the worst about the security
block ?
500 messages ? more ?
Now that it was allegated that it could be removed, we will have a 
"keep_the _security_block@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Email" request , at the end of each
new diatribe.

My opinion is that Omega should take this chance to replace the security block
by a new one and cut the safesoft piracy (and more sophisticated password or
machine encryption also related  to the block).

In the meantime, TS4 is still working despite of its lacks, and I quietly wait
the next upgrade (quietely, when I do not read my E-mail).

Pierre Orphelin