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Omega Bashing

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>From: "David Olson" <trader7@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: OMEGA bashing
>I belong to a shared list for OmniTrader by Nirvana Systems.  Some people on
>that list bash Nirvana worse than the Omega bashers, personal attacks on the
>CEO, ect.   In fact, some obviously enjoy just hiding in the gutter until
>they find a post where they can spring up and attack the writer, software,
>and Company.  It got so bad that the list was in danger of closing down
>because no one wanted to post since you always got attacked when you said
>anything good or constructive about the software.   Fortunately, the Omega
>list hasn't reached that point, but that is a warning.
>Since lists deal with so many personalities, you will always have bashing.
>I liken it to "road rage".  You're always going to have someone pull a gun
>when a quick beep on the horn is all that's appropriate.  I'ts part of the
>frustration of the times.  Benefit from the good.  Delete the bashers and be
>thankful you're not one of them because they probably "bash" their way
>through all other parts of their life as well.

 Wake up and smell the coffee.  There are a few of us who have dealt with
Omega a long time and even helped Phil put together the list of bugs.  This
is not bashing.   It is the truth.  Just because you haven't discovered
that system results are not reproducable realtime or that the server loses
ticks  doesn't mean others haven't found this out.    Pride goeth before a
fall and some of us are just waiting for Omega to fall.  

You might be a little more sensitive if your livelihood depended on
software like this.  How about permanent passwords that are not permanent?
Serious traders have developed their own software.  One theory is that the
installed database is largely served by DBC and now that DBC is on the
Board of Omega it is just a matter of time before DBC buys them.  There
goes customer service.

My gripe goes back to 1991 when I was promised all of the features of the
DOS product, System Writer Plus in the Windows version.  We are still not
there.   It is really horrifying to think that this program still doesnot
have all of the features of a program last updated in 1987!

BTW, you might want to ask yourself how far the fraud goes.  Can you tell
me how Tradestation\DTN wins the award from TASC for best institutional
trading software when it wasn't even available at the time of the survey?
You couldn't even buy\lease it from DTN.  I tried!  Advertizing revenue can
work wonders!

Charles Kaucher

You don't practice watching your opponent.
     You practice hitting your shots.
                  -- Stuart Appleby
                           Winner of the 1997 Honda Golf Classic