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(Fwd) venom

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From:          "NJ Brown" <njb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:            omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Date:          Wed, 14 Jan 1998 14:16:15 +0000
Subject:       venom
Priority:      normal

The level of venom in some of the postings here is breathtaking. It 
goes *way* beyond any consumer complaints I've ever encountered for 
any other product. (The phrase "Cruz Bros." is repeatedly used as a 
epithet, connotations obvious.) Some of the complaints achieve the 
kind of vindictive bitterness one would expect to see in a situation 
where one is grievously betrayed by a long time intimate. 

The peculiar psychology of it, resentment as a consumer response, is 
very interesting to speculate about but it's sure become tiresome. 
TradeStation certainly has its shortcomings and bugs. Let Omega know 
about them, loud and clear and repeatedly, but get off the notion 
that the failings are a personal affront. 


p.s. I suspect that there is a sizeable block of traders out there 
who use TS, such as it is, and just get on with their trading. 
I wonder how their profits compare with those of the chronically 