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I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience or has any thoughts
on this:

I recently quit using FutureSouce since I returned to full time work from
trading.  The first surprise was the 1 year penalty for not notifying FS
before the renewal date of the contract - read the fine print as they say.
I guess my fault and they agreed to a three month penalty - full cost
instead.  At the time this was agreed they put in their letter, "A member of
our technical service team will contact you closer to this date to arrange
the collection of our equipment", dated 29 July 97.  End of the contract was
30th Sep.

I heard nothing and being busy did not contact FS.

I returned from holiday to find a letter
"Re billing for lost equipment.
Further to your earlier cancellation please find enclosed an invoice
relating to the equipment which has not being returned to FS"

The invoice is for TipCard £200, FM receiver £300 + VAT £587.50, some $990.

Does this seem fair - or even right since I was never contacted by FS.  Can
they do this.

Thoughts and advice would be welcome before I call them this week.

