Any Exploration that uses a formula with input values will only use the default values.
If you want to use different values then change the defaults prior to running the Explorer
From: Abdulhadi Eidaroos <hdeee@xxxxxx com>
Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Change the setting of function
To: equismetastock@ yahoogroups. com
Received: Friday, 19 March, 2010, 6:24 AM
I am looking for a way to change the setting of a function in Metastock, when I call it by fml
For example, if I have Schaff Trend Cycle Oscillator v1.0, which is:
{ variables input }
pdsCy:=Input( "Schaff cycle periods",2,252, 10);
pdsSh:=Input( "Short periods",1,252, 5);
pdsLg:=Input( "Long periods",2,2520, 8);
{ Schaff Trend Cycle }
MCD:=Wilders( MP(),pdsSh) -Wilders( MP(),pdsLg) ;
ST:=(MCD-LLV( MCD,pdsCy) )
/(HHV(MCD,pdsCy) -LLV(MCD, pdsCy))*100;
STC:=Wilders( ST,pdsCy/ 2);
{ automatic trigger levels }
pk:=Ref(STC, -1)>STC AND Ref(STC,-1)>Ref(STC,-2);
pkVal:=If(pk, Ref(STC,- 1),0);
pkAvg:=Cum(pkVal) /(Cum(pk) +.000001) ;
pkAvg:=If(pkAvg= 0,100,pkAvg) ;
tr:=Ref(STC, -1);
trVal:=If(tr, Ref(STC,- 1),0);
trAvg:=Cum(trVal) /(Cum(tr) +.000001) ;
{ plot on own window }
pkAvg;trAvg; STC
The question is, how I can call the function by FML, and set the input variables.
This is actually helpful in applying, explorer and system tester.
So, please help!