One way to do this inside Metastock is as follows:
Let's say that the securities of NYSE are named "s1", "s2",... "sN".
You can create some formulae, containing the following code:
fml("nyse 1")
a1:=security( "s1",c);
a2:=security( "s2",c);
............ .........
a10:=security( "s10",c);
(a1>mov(a1,40, s))+(a2>mov( a2,40,s)) +...+(a10> mov(a10,40, s));
fml("nyse 2")
a11:=security( "s11",c);
a12:=security( "s12",c);
............ .........
a1=20:=security( "s20",c);
(a11>mov(a11, 40,s))+(a12> mov(a12,40, s))+...+( a20>mov(a20, 40,s));
............ .........
fml ("nyse N/10");
............ .........
Then, you create one final formula,
fml("nyse all")
where you place:
fml("nyse 1")+fml("nyse 2")+...+fml( "nyse N/10");
This should work, but I think it's going to be very slow, or even make your pc freeze. You may also consider trying
to read metastock data via a custom program and perform the necessary calculations automatically (at least this is what I personally prefer).
If you want to continue using your exploration, then why use sorting. You could simply take a sum of "1"s and there you have it!
--- In
equismetastock@ yahoogroups. com, Rajiv Vyas <rajiv1@xxx> wrote:
> I wanted to create a simple breadth indicator -- how many stocks in
> NYSE are above their 40 day moving average. Right now, I run the
> formula in Explorer and then dump the data in excel and sort it. How
> does one do this without using excel?
> Thanks,
> --
> Rajiv
> Sent from Baltimore, MD, United