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Roy or Preston, Thanks to a link from Roy I have implemented +DPI, -DPI, ADX and ATR in Multi-Frame mode on a weekly chart. It works great. I use StochRsi (Chande) all of the time and I notice that it is not included in the list of available indicators. Of course, the formuls is:
How hard would it be to adapt the available RSI Multi-Frame to this formula? I would do it myself if I could figure out what you are doing in your formula, which is:
{Multi-Frame RSI} {This indicator uses Equis Forum DLL} {Roy Larsen, 2008}
{User settings} N:=Input("Multi-Frame RSI, Periods",1,99,10); F:=Input("Timeframe, 0=W 1=M 2=Q 3=6M 4=Y",0,4,0); F:=If(F=1,1,If(F=2,3,If(F=3,6,If(F=4,12,0)))); Q:=Input("Mode, 0=Static 1=Dynamic 2=Delayed",0,2,1); {0, update at last bar of current frame} {1, update on each new bar} {2, update on first bar of new frame}
{Timing signals} {Day counter courtesy metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx} M:=Month();A:=Int((14-M)/12);D:=DayOfMonth(); Y:=Year();X:=Y+4800-A;B:=M+(12*A)-3;Z:=Cum(1); M:=If(F=0,D+Int((2+153*B)/5)+(365*X)+Int(X/4)- Int(X/100)+Int(X/400)-32045,{day counter} (Y-ValueWhen(1,Z=1,Y))*12+M){month counter}; I:=If(F=0,Int(M/7),Int((M-1)/Max(1,F))); I:=I<>ValueWhen(2,1,I); G:=LastValue(Lowest(Sum(I>0,5))=5); I:=ExtFml("Forum.Sum",I,1);M:=G OR I; F:=G OR (M=0)*ExtFml("Forum.Sum",Ref(I,1),1); A:=LastValue(Z-1)=Z;B:=LastValue(Z)=Z; J:=If(F,1,(Alert(F,2)=0)*M*2*(Z>1)); J:=If(A+LastValue(J)>2 OR B+(Q=1)=2,1,J); J:=If(G,1,If(Q=2,M*2,J));
{Frame prices} K:=ValueWhen(1,J,If(J=1,C,ValueWhen(2-G,1,C))); K1:=ValueWhen(2,J,K);
{Calculate/plot RSI} J:=J>0; R:=1/N; A:=(K>K1)*(K-K1); B:=(K<K1)*(K1-K); F:=Cum(J*A)/N; G:=Cum(J*B)/N; U:=If(Cum(J)<=N+1,F,PREV*If(J,1-R,1)+J*A*R); D:=If(Cum(J)<=N+1,G,PREV*If(J,1-R,1)+J*B*R); R:=100-100/(1+(U/If(D=0,.000001,D))); ValueWhen(1,Cum(J)>N,R); {any suggestions appreciated, Rick}