It is not possible to store more thatn 65500 records in the MetaStock
data format - it is limited as you have described primarily because
it's such an outdated format (it was derived from the Computrac format
common in the 1980s and early 1990s, with minor enhancements to make it
Y2K compatible and support > 255 securities per folder).
Best regards,
Richard Dale.
Norgate Investor Services
- Premium quality Stock, Futures and Foreign Exchange Data for
markets in Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, UK & USA -
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Limited records in Downloader
From: Angelo <angelo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: mon, 27 apr 2009 10:52:53 +0700
Dear All,
The Dowloader has a limited record
of 65500. I am making a tick database and got stuck on record no 65500.
Is there any way that we can extend to unlimited?