Hi Iyus,
Try this:
Filter: cross(mov(c,10,s), mov(c,30,e)) = 1
I haven't tried the code yet, but it should work.
v*c formula in filter col will filter the liquidity of the stock. For example if you want only show stocks that just cross ma10 dan ma30 and those that traded at least $500,000 in past 20 days (1 month trading), you can put this code on the filter column: cross(mov(c,10,s), mov(c,30,e)) = 1 AND mov(v*c,20,e) >= 500000
Again, i haven't tried the code yet but i should work.
Hope its help.
Best regards,
On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 7:38 PM, iyus_rahardjo
<no_reply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Angelo,
I am using this formula in the explorer:
Col A: Mov(C,10,S)
Col B: Mov(C,30,E)
Filter: colA > colB
The result is list of many stocks which are SMA10 > EMA30 (Golden
cross-over whatever the number are).
I need to narrow down the list which is stocks just cross-overed.
Could you more detaily explained regarding C*V. Thanks & regards.