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Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] Decimal places

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Unfortunately MetaStock will always display all decimal places in 
indicator and exploration values.  There is a way to restrict decimal 
place output only in the Expert Commentary.

The best solution is to round-off decimal places.
Try this indicator example from
http://www.metastocktools.com/#metastock :

Round to nearest decimal or integer

{ Rounds off data array to nearest specified
  decimal place [+x] or integer [-x].

 å’€opyright 2004~2006 Jose Silva.
  For personal use only.
  http://www.metastocktools.com }

{ Sample Data Array to be rounded }

{ User inputs }
x:=Input("Round to nearest  decimal [+x]  or integer [-x]",-10,10,1);
plot:=Input("Data output:  [1]Rounded,  [2]Original",1,2,1);

{ Rounding engine }

{ Plot in own window }


jose '-)

--- In equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bill rook 
<zipple_acre_udder@xxx> wrote:
> Hi Group
>   I m getting too many decimal plcaes on my Bollinger?RSI?slope
> scans.
>   Is there a way of not having so many?
>   Regards
>   Bill

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