> I have a couple of systems for up trends,
down trends, sideways
> typical and sideways with rotation. Each
one has a different
> expectancy and different values for P/L
ratios etc.
> After I use the system to find high
probability trades I fiter the
> charts through my best computer--the one
in my head. In general that
> improves the ratio of winners to losers by
about 50%. In other words
> if my system has a 50/50 ratio, my
evaluation of the charts improves
> the ratio to 75/25, and often
you saying that if the market condition specific systems you have created
had 50% winners, that your
brain can improve it to 75%? If that was the case, then your systems are
missing some major aspects of the market that you could build into your
models. You say that is difficult, and it might be, but to go from 50% to
75% is an order of magnitude change, suggesting its not just a little bit of
personal opinion on the markets that you are adding, but indicates some major
analysis missing from the systems.