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Pic may be found in files section under essar
have amazing command on metastock language. I happen to run the query on the
entire Indian Stock List. I got 3 stocks: Essar Steel, Uttam Glava and Kopran.
These stock has move up touching or almost touching their respective
circuits.They had big white candle and huge volumes
If its
a big white candle then keep the low of the candle as stop loss for trading long
position. Should offer short term trading opportunity. Possibly 1.618 or 2.618
of the candle on the upside.The trend would reverse if it falls and closes below
the low of the white candle. Observe long stop loss as subsequently you could
have strong down side move.
If it
a big black candle then keep high of the candle as stop loss for trading short
position. Should offer short term trading opportunity. Possibly 1.618 or 2.618
of the candle on the down side. If short reverse your trade if it cross and
closes above the high of the negative candle. Subsequently you could have strong
upside moves.
If the
above query is run on weekly charts then we could have retracement
or sideways moves of the candle before any further signficant
move in the direction of the trend.
Hitendra Vasudeo
Frank, try this code in your
exploration filter:
{ Variables
} minVol:=P0000; pdsVol:=0; minPrice:= ;
{ Current &
prior setup } current:==BigBlack() AND Ref(Black(),-1) OR BigWhite() AND
{ Volume filter
} VolFilter:==Mov(V,pdsVol,S)>==minVol;
{ Price filter
} priceFilter:==C>==minPrice;
{ Signals } current AND VolFilter
AND priceFilter
'-) http://www.metastocktools.com
In equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "stonesouls207"
<stonesouls207@xxxx> wrote: > > > Hi
All, > > I have been lurking around this group for about eight
months now and > I am a long time Metastock user. I have recently
changed my trading > style to more of swing-day trading method based on
end of day > candlestick charting. I am now using two separate
explorations, > utilizing the filter method to find a "Big Black
Candle" and a "Big > White Candle." This gives me quite a few results
to sort through > based on the current end of day prices. This is
proving to be quite > a time consuming task. The following is what I am
visually sorting > for, daily, any help on stream lining this would be
greatly > appreciated. > > Current or last day: Big Black
Candle or Big White Candle > Prior day: Black Body (to go with BBC)or
White Body (to go with BWC) > Minimum average daily volume based on 120
days: 500,000 shares per > day Minimum share price: $20.00 >
> Thanks for your help. > Frank
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