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i see
that you are basing your trading rationale on statistical analysis methods.
white noise wouldnt be familiar to anybody just doing technocal analysis. i
think scientifically these are beyond doing simply technical analysis. and i
definitely respect that being a phd student.
i am
not questioning whether this kind of a scientific approach does work. but at
least hope that it works, cause i will be investing my next 2-3 years in data
mining and plan to use it in my thesis as well.
main point that other side, or the side that is critisizing you is that academia
would not work in the 'field', the markets in our case, which has been a
long issue. besides, if you ask the economic departments they dont take
statistics as a science, thats why most of the stats departments have
tobe connected to somewhereelse, if cant stand alone..
as it
is always said in this group there is no best. there are different people with
different colors, there are bars with different colors, and different approaches
to same problem. you make it more scientific and earn more?? it is a very hard
personally i enjoy trying different things and listen to
everybody. and final decision is mine.
think it is very good to watch the discussion.
for all participants.
Let us just backtrack a bit. I noted, when coding the T3
and IE/2, that the IE/2 appeared to be similar to the Theta model, which I
know to be a good model. So I did not bother to test it, assuming it
also to be a good model. The Theta model implementation provided is
based on what can be done in Metastock in a very short time span, and
was given on request, and has maybe too many shortcuts in it. If
anybody has ever tested the IE/2, I think we can safely use that as a
proxy for the Theta's performance and vice versa.
Now, since I
appear to be the defender of the Theta model. We (yes, I happen to be
part of a team) use the Theta model extensively to prepare short term
forecasts of monthly data, such as M3, CPI, wholesale trade and so
on. We use it as part of an array of models and we never use the
results of just one model, but the Theta model shines in this capacity as a
good performer and often has a fairly large dynamic weight allocated to
it. Here performance is measured in forecasting accuracy, which
usually is a poor indication of whether it will work in a trading
But we also use this model, for end-of-day data, in a
trading environment as part of yet again a suite of models. This is
quite fashionable and dicated by theory as well - using a suite of
models, and I am in a way recommending this to the group and also
recommending the inclusion of the Theta in such a suite.
Now, let us
not run away from the real point, testing the Theta model as a singular
trading model. I note your observation, as well as that of some other
members of this group, and can well believe it - that the Theta did not
perform well when you tested it.
This is true of prediction models in
general, so allow me to expand a bit. A good prediction model is
supposed to predict where the market will be in future, say tomorrow.
Now, if it is a good projection model, then it will be unbaised, so that
the market will be above it about 50% and below it about 50% of the
time. The residual or error for a good model will be random. So
if we use a prediction model as is, we are trading white noise, and should
not get good results. So we have to apply our minds a bit. I am
thinking aloud, why is the Theta not performing as I would expect, so
please bear with me.
In our trading model, we do use the Theta model's
prediction as well as its slope. So we extrapolate the model and note
the slope of this extrapolation and we use both in the model. We have
noted that when the Theta long term line (theta = 0) turns, it often
indicates a turnaround in trend. This could be a better way to build
a trading model, using the slope of the long term component. The
slope of the extrapolation is in fact half the slope of the long term
component, since the extrapolated short term is constant and the Theta
( lt + st ) / 2
d( lt +
st ) / 2 = dlt / 2
dst = 0
note, we often take the log of the series before we calculate the slope,
but this should not make a big difference in many cases.
Anyhow, try
the following test
and optimise on periods. When
this line goes above zero, buy, and when below, sell. Please let us
know the results.
Note that the parameter should be on the long
side. It should ideally be above 30 for a number of statistical
reasons that I'd rather avoid for now. I think a good starting point
would be 50 days and test up to at least 250.
Regards MG
Ferreira TsaTsa EOD Programmer and trading model builder http://tsatsaeod.ferra4models.com http://www.ferra4models.com
PS :
I *really* appreciate your opening sentence.
--- In
equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Andrew
Tomlinson" <andrew_tomlinson@xxxx> wrote: > > Let's keep
this within the bounds of polite debate. MG, I've tried a
couple > of backtesting runs with this on the S&P and on baskets of
stocks, over 5,10 > and 15 year periods, and show losses
consistently. Perhaps you could give us > an example of the operation
of the system in practice and the securities > that it can be used on,
so we can verify? It doesn't have to be your most > tuned,
proprietary version, but enough to demonstrate that there is some >
verifiable substance here. > > Andrew
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