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[EquisMetaStock Group] Re: please help in finding all time low of a stock.

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the all time low of a stock or asset depends on the amount of data 
loaded into metastock, if you only load 300 periods of daily data 
then you get about a year and a half worth.
If you are using weekly data or real time 10 min data then the 
amount of periods loaded will affect the formula.

   --- In equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "V B Technicals" 
<vbtech@xxxx> wrote:
> Dear Friends,  
> Please help me in creating a metastock formula which can find all 
time low of a stock which can be in any period of time and compare 
it with todays close and if it comes within 20% of the all time low 
it should alert us 
> Regards
> Aditya

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