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Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] display dates/events as vertical lines

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As far as my knowledge goes, it is not possible to make those annotations in Metastock.
But plotting the cycle lines is possible. You would need to determine the calendar days between each such occurrence.
You need to specify the start date, with the syntax something like this:

dh1:=BarsSince(DayOfMonth()=Int(day1/100)-(Int(day1/10000)*100) AND Month()=Int(day1/10000) AND Year()=If(Mod(day1,100)>30,1900+Mod(day1,100),2000+Mod(day1,100)));

Then use a calendar days counter for counting the number of days:

{ Day counter from 1/1/0001, Gregorian calendar }
{ Count is independent of any missing chart data }
{ ©Copyright 2003-2004 Jose Silva }
{ josesilva22@xxxxxxxxx }
limit:=Input("Count Calendar Days From Year",1,2100,1980);
LimLeap:=Frac(limit/4)=0 AND Frac(limit/100)<>0
 OR Frac(limit/400)=0;
leap:=Frac(Year()/4)=0 AND Frac(Year()/100)<>0
 OR Frac(Year()/400)=0;

The plots are done when a condition is true like this:
if(condition, 1, 0); You need to plot it like a histogram.
My knowledge of astro is a big zero, therefore, I could not assist you further.
However, this should put you on track.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:19 PM
Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] display dates/events as vertical lines

Hello group,

most probably my problems were solved long time ago, but I am still wondering if it is possible to
display in MetaStock a set of dates, e.g.

09/21/2004 MA 90° GC
09/26/2004 ME 90° GC
10/26/2004 VE 90° GC
12/18/2004 SA 0° GC
01/07/2005 ME 0° GC
01/07/2005 VE 0° GC
02/02/2005 MA 0° GC
03/03/2005 ME 90° GC
03/17/2005 SA 90° GC
03/20/2005 VE 90° GC
05/31/2005 VE 180° GC

as simple vertical lines. To explain myself better, please have a look at the attached chart
(generated by Dynamic Trader 4).

(2) And is there a formula script or a add-in to display full- and new-moons as symbols or

Thank you very much for any hint.

Best Regards


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