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not able to retrieve the sample issue with the
mentioned hotlink
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:24
Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Free
Metastock Newsletter Sample Posted to the Files Section
Thanks! I'm sure everyone is going to enjoy
this long awaited information. The idea that its in the form of a
newsletter rather than a book is really much better in my opinion. A book
does not allow for updates while a newsletter is far more current and
allows inclusion of newer ideas and thoughts. The inaugural issue that I
read was was quite enjoyable. Can't wait for the next issue! Here's a
hotlink for those interested in the sampler:
http://f5.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/UAI_QfmbbKT0mUkSbBr9bh87RI3- NBebudLQ3pE_9ryZLNfbRbMAy7vYuAygfo-C8orl2yCUtZp3hLU79aKf/MSTT% 20Newsletter%20Sample.pdf
--- In
equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Roy Larsen" <rlarsen@xxxx>
wrote: > I've posted an excerpted free sample of the Metastock Tips
& Tricks newsletter in the files section. > I've received
excellent positive feedback on the newsletter and want to thank everyone
who has taken > the time to write to me. > > I've been
asked for a sample issue a few times, so this will give everyone who wants
a FREE look a > chance to see what I'm doing. I hope you'll find many
things in it that you like. > > Just the noise (whipsaw
elimination) formula that is being created over the next three issues is
> worth much more than the $99 annual price. This formula won't be
posted anywhere on the net or MS > boards, so don't miss your
chance to get it and reduce the number of whipsaw trades you're tempted
> to make. > > I hope you like the sample. >
> Roy
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