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Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: MaxLocksperFile

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Oops. Spoke too soon. My (large) MDB file had one 
particularly large system test sitting in it, which gave a Maxlocks error when 
trying to discard it.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: <A 
  Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 11:37 
  Subject: Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: 
  I have used the MS-Access Compact/Repair 
  technique for a long time, and I ensure all old tests are removed. 
  I can't remember ever having had a MAXLOCKS problem and I have 
  never touched the Maxlocks setting. My MDB file has been as large as 500 MB. 
  However, I use WinXP. Perhaps the locks are used differently or are 
  per-process on XP.
  As to the speed of the system tester, I find it 
  woeful for anything serious, and MS 8.01 didn't change anything in this 
  regard. So I have switched to Amibroker for system testing purposes. 
  The Metastock system tester startup time seems to be related to the physical 
  size of the MDB file.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    To: <A 
    Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 6:58 
    Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: 
    Tom:On 11 Oct 2003 08:46:59 -0000, you 
    wrote:>> And I believe if you export your 
    results>>to Excel, then you can delete regularly and you probably 
    won't have the>>maxlocks file problem very often.   I 
    don't.This is becoming really frustrating. I now have 
    MaxLocksperFile set at100,000. If that has really improved anything, it 
    is not very obvious.When ST_Data.mdb gets above 60Meg or so, I get the 
    error message. Itried running "Discard" several times in a row, but 
    still got themessage. Then earlier today, after getting the message (I 
    was tryingto discard one of two Tests), I closed MS, opened the file in 
    Access(I have Access 2000) and used the Compact and Repair feature. 
    Thisreduced the size of the file to 43Meg. When I reopened MS, the file 
    Ihad been trying to discard was no longer listed! But it now takes 
    over1 minute to open the System Tester.I can't believe we are 
    the only folks who run into this problem. Maybethe operating system has 
    some affect. You seem to be able to manage,and have XP. I don't, and 
    have Win98SE.I know that the size of the ST_Data.mdb file varies 
    greatly dependingon what indicator you are trying to test. The next time 
    you get readyto Discard test results, would you open Windows Explorer, 
    and see howlarge the ST_Data.mdb file is getting? This would help me 
    determinewhether I am having problems that others don't, or that I am 
    justcreating larger test files.HarryTo 
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