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RE: [Metastockusers] Re: Volume Bars

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<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
size=2>Firstly, remember that life is a learning curve so no need to worry that 
you consider yourself to be only partly down the journey with Metastock coding - 
there are a lot of members a lot further advanced than I will ever be but 
hopefully we can all contribute a little to the Group and gain in the 
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
attach a gif file again of the various color bar studies and would comment as 
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
1. The 
Ribbon basically gives you a different type of view that was your request #2. 
When the ribbon is Green then this shows that the Volume on that bar is greater 
than the simple moving average of 21 bars and the reverse when the bars are Red. 
If you change the two lines of code in the Expert Properties under the Trend tab 
you can change the weighting emphasis so that you will get more or less bars 
that meet the "green" criteria and are therefore more or less significant bars. 
Whilst your original request was for a factor of 1.0, I used 1.2 in the example 
to give more emphasis to significant "green" bars meaning that 
the volume is greater than 120% of the 21 bar Volume SMA. Thus you can 
customize these two factors to find what works best for you. The code again 
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
size=2>Bullish:     V > Mov(V,21,S) * 
1.2   {As a general rule I use 1.33 as my factor as this is a 
nice balance of degrees of freedom, IMHO}
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
size=2>Bearish:    V < Mov(V,21,S) * 
1.2   {remeber to change both the Bullish and Bearish factors 
(1.2) in sync}
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
Thus, the trend bar ribbon is analysing completely different criteria to the 
'Close' Up Days and 'Close' Down Days where we have colored the volume bars 
inner window green or red respectively. If you added an extra 
window showing the Volume Histogram and applied the above trend bar 
ribbon code then in my opinion you would be duplicating the volume height data 
and it may be more confusing.
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
I hope 
this is helpful for you. If not please get back and either I or some other more 
knowledgeabe member will be pleased to help. Remember the rule: 

<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
size=2>    "There are no silly questions, 
only silly answers".
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
<FONT face=Arial color=#008000 
size=2>Good Hunting ------------------->
<FONT face="Kunstler Script" color=#008000 
<FONT face="Kunstler Script" color=#008000 

  face=Tahoma size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Debra Ann 
  Petitan [mailto:DrDAP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Thursday, 9 October 
  2003 4:32 p.m.To: Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: 
  RE: [Metastockusers] Re: Volume Bars--- 
  Gordon Sutherland <gosuth@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Greetings Gordon,I 
  am so appreciative of your work and time in helping me.  The Indicator, 
  Ribbon, and Expert Advisor have turned out just as you describe.  They 
  are in place and working.Related to the Ribbon, I am not sure what the 
  different widths of color represent.  When I look at the Volume Bars 
  above the different sections of color, they are not all green or all red as 
  indicated by the Ribbon.  How should I interpret the Ribbon 
  Sections?  Would the Green Section represent above Average Volume and the 
  Red Section represent below Average Volume?I am sure you can tell I am 
  new at this and your explicit instructions are very much needed and 
  appreciated.Thank you so very much.Regards,Debra 
  -----Original Message-----From: Gordon Sutherland 
  [mailto:gosuth@xxxxxxxxxxxx]Sent: Tuesday, 7 October 2003 11:51 AMTo: 
  Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: RE: [Metastockusers] Re: Volume 
  Bars  Debra,I attach a "png"  image file 
  with a Metastock template that may be thesort of thing you are looking for 
  (at least such that you can modify tosuit). If this is of interest then 
  read on and I will provide detailedinstructions of how to 
  construct.Firstly, let's recap your three posted requests:1. 
  Is there a formula written to change the colors of the volume bars 
  todistinguish them as "up days" and "down days?"2. I want to put a 
  MA over the Volume Bars to show Above Average andBelow Average at a 
  glance.  When I choose a 14 SMA or any other lowperiod, the line is 
  useless.  If I choose 200 period MA is will rest onthe bars in some 
  cases.  How can I set this up to be meaningful?3. How do I set up 
  MACD to show the histogram as the comparison of theMACD MA with the Signal 
  Line?Construction:1. My previous posts supplied the formula 
  and methodology for your firstrequest above (see the previous posts 
  below). I would add that in thesecond line of code there was an error 
  which you must have astutelyadjusted for. The correct code for the Down 
  Volume should be:If(C<Ref(C,-1),V,0) - I omitted the "If" at the start 
  of the formula -my apologies to the Group.2. Given that we have a 
  Volume Color Study in (1) above for Up days andDown Days we may wish to 
  not have two inner windows for Volume butrather use a Trend Ribbon Bar to 
  achieve your request (2) above (makeabove and below average Volume days 
  visually very clear). To create anExpert Ribbon do the 
  following:a. Open your Metastock template for (1) above and showing at 
  the bottomof the screen the Color Study for Up and Down days. I have 
  displayed theDJIA in the graphic file posted herewith, but use whatever 
  ticker youwish.b. Open the Expert Advisor window, the icon of a guy 
  with a bowler hat,and choose New.c. Type in a Name for the Expert and 
  type any notes in the Notes area.d. Click on the Trends tab and type the 
  following into the Bullish andBearish boxes 
  respectively:    V > Mov(V,21,S)*1.2 
  {bullish}    V < Mov(V,21,S)*1.2 {bearish}e. Change 
  the default factor of "1.2" to "1.0" or any other weightingyou choose in 
  the formulae in (d) to emphasize the size of the varianceof Volume from 
  the 21SMA. Again, I like to use a 21SMA for comparisonbut use whatever 
  suits your trading style.f. Click the Ribbon tab and 
  check:    Display Ribbon in Chart    
  Bullish Background change to green and Pattern to None and eliminateany 
  type in the Label box    Do the same for Bearsih but use 
  red    Do the same for Neutral but use say 
  yellow    Click OKg. Click on the Corner tab and 
  check:    Display Symbol in Expert 
  Corner    Select your symbols and colors for Bullish; 
  Bearish; and Neutral    Click OKh. You should be back 
  in the Expert Advisor Trends window and if soClick OKi. In the Expert 
  Advisor window choose the Attach tabj. You should be back in the chart 
  window with your Expert Ribbon nowshowing. If so, click and hold the left 
  mouse button and drag the Ribbonjust above the Volume Histogram Study 
  window (You can leave at thebottom if you prefer of course)k. You have 
  now created your inner window (Trend Ribbon) to show yourrequested Study 
  (2) above. For safety reasons, I suggest you save yourMetastock template 
  at this stage in case of crashes etc. Go to FileCommand menu and choose 
  Save As... then use the drop down box arrow inthe "Save as type:" field to 
  choose Template (*.mwt) and then selectyour Template for the original 
  Volume Up and Down Days Study (use a newname if you wish to separate) and 
  then click on Save.I apologize if these instructions are too detailed 
  but I figure you canskim the obvious stuff but you can't if no notes are 
  provided!3. Let's now construct your third request ie the MACD v the 
  Signal Lineas a Histogram. I have also included an overlay of the MACD in 
  Lineformat and also to 'color up our lives a little' I have coded 
  theHistogram to be green above zero and red below zero! If I 
  haveinterpreted your instructions wrongly as to what you wish to 
  displaythen please get back to me.a. Display your Metastock 
  template showing your Volume Up/Down DaysColor Study and your Above and 
  Below Average Volume Trend Ribbon Study(each in separate inner windows) 
  and then:b. Click on Indicator Builder Icon and choose the New tabc. 
  Fill in a Name for the Indicator in the Name: boxd. In the formula box 
  select, copy and paste the following (Ctrl + C)and (Ctrl + 
  V):    X:= MACD()-Mov(MACD(),9,E);    
  Red:=If(X<=0,X,0);    Green; Red;e. Make sure the 
  box "Display in Quicklist" is checked and then click OKand then click 
  Closef. Click on the down arrow for the Indicator Quicklist back in the 
  mainchart windowg. Select the Indicator you just created in c - e and 
  click and holddown the left mouse button whilst you drag the left-hand 
  side icon forthis Indicator (marked with an "f") and when the mouse 
  pointer turns tothe image of a blank chart just above the bottom of the 
  Price Data innerwindow but above the two other Volume Study inner windows 
  then releasethe mouse button.h. Right click on the line chart that has 
  just been plotted in this newinner window and choose the Properties box 
  for the name of the Indicator(the first choice on the menu)i. On the 
  Color/Style tab choose Color: Dark Green and choose Style:histogram image 
  and then click OKj. Right click on the red line for your new Macd 
  Histogram which will bein line form below zerok. Choose the Properties 
  box again for the name of the Indicator (thefirst choice on the menu) and 
  then on the Color/Style tab screen leavethe Color as Red and choose 
  histogram image again for the Style: andthen click OKl. You should now 
  have the Macd Histogram plotted showing the differencebetween the Signal 
  Line and the difference between the two MA's (defaultca 12 and 26). I find 
  the Color makes the visual scan that much easierto discern.m. Let's 
  now overlay the Macd and the Signal Lines in the same innerwindow for the 
  Macd Histogram (this is a format I picked up fromTradeStation/SuperCharts 
  and helps you pick up on the strength and phaseof the market a little 
  easier, but the histogram will be a littleflatter due to scaling).n. 
  Click on the down arrow for the Indicator Quicklist back in the mainchart 
  window and select MACDo. Hold down the left mouse button whilst you drag 
  the left-hand sideicon for this Indicator (marked with an "f") and when 
  the mouse pointerturns to the image of a sloping "W" inside the inner 
  window for the MacdHistogram, then release the mouse button.p. Click 
  OK to accept the Default settings and then choose Merge withscale on the 
  right and click OKq. Right click on the solid red Macd Line just plotted 
  and choose MACDPropertiesr. Select the Color/Style tab and choose 
  Color: Dark Green (Blue if youprefer) and click OKs. You should now 
  have the Macd and Signal Line Indicators overlayed onyour Macd Historgram. 
  There should be an horizontal line at 0 whichplots with the Macd/Signal 
  Indicators, if not, go back into theProperties box for the MACD Line 
  Indicator and select the HorizontalLines tab and type in 0 in the top left 
  hand box and push Add and selectColor: Blue and then click OKIf 
  you have not given up by this time, you should now have your templatewith 
  all three Studies showing as you requested! Don't forget to go thethe 
  File>Save As>Save as type: Template (*.mwt)>template File 
  name:(from the list)>Save. Voila.I hope the above provides what 
  you were looking for (and any other Groupmember that has gotten this far) 
  and if it helps just a little toenhance your trading returns then I shall 
  be pleased for you.Good luck and Good Hunting 
  Sutherland-----Original Message-----From: Gordon Sutherland 
  [mailto:gosuth@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Monday, 6 October 2003 7:54 p.m.To: 
  Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: RE: [Metastockusers] Re: Volume 
  BarsDebra,Glad the article from Equis was helpful. Will 
  see if I can come up withsome suggestions for your points two and three 
  tomorrow.Regards,Gordon Sutherland-----Original 
  Message-----From: Debra Ann Petitan [mailto:DrDAP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
  Sent: Monday, 6 October 2003 2:31 p.m.To: 
  Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: [Metastockusers] Re: Volume 
  BarsGordon, Thank you for your fomula and going into 
  such detail.  This is just thetype of instruction I need. It 
  set up just fine.I had a 3 part post, can you help me with parts 2 and 
  3?Thank you again.Debra--- "Martin Blain" 
  <martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Thank youMy problem was in 
  changing to histogram. I see now it is under style.Regards 
  Martin----- Original Message ----- From: "tobtrade2001" 
  <Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Sent: October 05, 2003 7:23 
  PMSubject: [Metastockusers] Re: Volume Bars> Try this 
  code>> clr:=input("change type to histogram color 
  black",0,0,0);> red:=if(c<ref(c,-1),v,0);> 
  gre:=if(c>ref(c,-1),v,0);> gre;red>> Paste the above 
  into a new indicator & drop the indicator into a new> window. 
  Cclick on a bar on this indicator where the price bar has a> higher 
  close than the previous (i.e. an up bar) & change its color> to 
  green. Then click on any remaining black bar on this indicator &> 
  change the color to red.>> --- In 
  Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Martin Blain" <martin@xxxx>> 
  wrote:> > MessageI am the only one that cant get this to 
  work?> >> > Regards Martin> >> 
  >> >   ----- Original Message ----- > 
  >   From: Gordon Sutherland> >   To: 
  Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >   Sent: October 04, 2003 
  11:49 PM> >   Subject: RE: [Metastockusers] Volume 
  Bars> >> >> >   Debra,> 
  >> >   The EquisMonitor (just released) covers coloring 
  volume bars> for "up" or "down" days. Here is an extract:> 
  >> >   "How can I make my volume green for up bars and 
  red for down> bars?> >> >   To accomplish 
  this, two custom indicators will be needed. The> following formulas 
  will display the volume green when the close> price is greater than the 
  prior closing price and display the volume> red when the close price is 
  less than the prior closing price. To> create the indicator 
  simply:> >> >   Open the Tools menu and select 
  Indicator Builder> >   Click on New. Name your indicator 
  (for example, Volume Up)> >> >   Enter the 
  following syntax into the Formula field:> >   
  If(C>=ref(C,-1),V,0). Click OK.> >> >   Open 
  the Tools menu and select Indicator Builder. Click on New.> 
  >   Name your indicator (for example Volume Down).> 
  >> >   Enter the following syntax into the Formula 
  field:> >   (C<ref(C,-1),V,0). Click OK.> 
  >> >   You should now have 2 new indicators in your 
  QuickList.> >> >   Apply the Volume Up indicator 
  to a new inner window in your chart> >   Right click on 
  the indicator and select properties.> >   Change the color 
  to green and style histogram, and then click on> OK.> 
  >   Apply the Volume Down indicator to same inner window as 
  the> Volume Up.> >   Right click on the indicator 
  and select properties.> >   Change the color to red and 
  style histogram, and then click on> OK.> >> 
  >   It is recommended to save this as a template, perhaps 
  your> default template, so that you do not have to do this every time 
  you> want it applied to a chart."> >> >   
  Hope this helps.> >> >   Regards,> 
  >> >> >   Gordon Sutherland> 
  >     -----Original Message-----> 
  >     From: Debra Ann Petitan 
  [mailto:DrDAP@xxxx]> >     Sent: Sunday, 5 
  October 2003 2:44 p.m.> >     To: 
  Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >     Subject: 
  [Metastockusers] Volume Bars> >> >> 
  >     Greetings,> >> 
  >     Is there a formula written to change the colors 
  of the volume> bars to distinguish them as "up days" and "down 
  days?"> >> >     I want to put a MA 
  over the Volume Bars to show Above Average> and Below Average at a 
  glance.  When I choose a 14 SMA or any other> low period, the line 
  is useless.  If I choose 200 period MA is will> rest on the bars 
  in some cases.  How can I set this up to be> meaningful?> 
  >> >     How do I set up MACD to show the 
  histogram as the comparison> of the MACD MA with the Signal 
  Line?> >> >     Thank you for your 
  help,> >     Debra Ann> >> 
  >> >> >     
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Volume Bars.gif

Attachment: Description: "Description: GIF image"