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The Golden Alliance
Helping Homeless Children     
Story Time 
It was a beautiful sunny day about seventy degrees and there was a 
light breeze blowing. All the children had homes to live in and there 
wasn't any crime. The sun shone twentyfour hours a day and not a mean 
or slanderous word could be heard. What had happened to all the mean 
people? Oh look! They are down there in hell burning in an 
everlasting fire, what a shame. It couldn't have happened to a more 
worthy bunch. Well at least no one will ever have to put up with 
another crime or mean word. Yes you have just passed beyond the 
second coming when judgment was passed and all the mean, cruel, 
selfish, greedy, self-righteous, proud, arrogant, conceded, people of 
the earth have received their just reward and are burning in an 
everlasting fire prepared for them. But if you are reading this you 
must have made it to the Kingdom of Heaven where there is no crime, 
no pain, no suffering, no mean people, only happiness for the rest of 
eternity. Is that really possible? Yes it is but we really can't 
understand it because every thing we know has a beginning and an end. 
It's almost imposable for us to understand living forever. It says we 
will be like angels. I guess that means we will be able to travel the 
universes and visit any planets we want. Oh look there's Charlie. You 
have to hear his story. Hey Charlie tell Jim your story. Well you see 
I was stuck in a rut. I thought that I could get here by following a 
bunch of rules. I didn't smoke, drink, swear, I went to church every 
week, I paid my tithe but I didn't know why I was living like this. 
Then one day the Lord spoke to me and said "I want you to love 
others". Keeping leviticual laws are fine but they can't get you 
eternal life. You have to follow my commandments. Love the Lord, Love 
your Neighbor, these are the things that please me. So I started 
following the new commandments that the Lord had given me and I began 
to feel so fulfilled that it is indescribable. I didn't have to worry 
about keeping a bunch of rules, just two. Love the Lord and Love my 
neighbor. And Look I'm here. Half of that church I went to are down 
there burning because they thought that keeping a bunch of rules 
could get you here but they missed the most important ones, Love the 
Lord and Love your neighbor. So if your so busy keeping rules that 
you forgot the most important ones, this is a reminder of what God 
wants, Love the Lord, and Love your neighbor. If you keep these two 
commands you will follow the rest of God's commandments. So all those 
people who wouldn't believe in God are down their burning? Yea even 
some who did believe but didn't follow God's commandments are down 
there. Dam it must be hot down there. Yea look at those flames. 
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall inherit the earth. 
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they 
shall be satisfied. 
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called God's children. 
Blessed are those who are persecuted, for theirs is the kingdom of 
Blessed are you when men despise you, curse you, persecute you, and 
speak evil against you falsely because of me. Rejoice and be glad, 
for your reward is great in heaven, for so were the prophets 
persecuted before you. 
Jesus talked to his disciples concerning the law and the teachings of 
the prophets, saying: "Do not think I have come to destroy the law 
and the prophets of old. Instead I have come to fulfill them. Truly, 
not one bit shall be removed from the law until it is all 
accomplished. Whoever breaks any of the commandments, even the least 
of them, shall be the lowest in all the kingdom of heaven. But 
whoever lives by all the commandments and teaches them shall be 
great. Unless your righteousness is greater than that of the 
Pharisees and the scribes, you will never enter the kingdom of 
heaven. You have heard it said that you shall not kill, that whoever 
kills is in danger of punishment. But I say that anyone who is angry 
with his brother is in danger of punishment, and whoever insults his 
brother shall be in danger of hell fire. If you go to make an 
offering at the altar, and remember that anyone holds something 
against you, leave your offering and go first to make peace with that 
person. Then make your offering. Make friends with those who accuse 
you, who take you to court; for if you are judged against and put 
into prison, you will not get out until the last penny is paid. 
……….You have heard `An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I 
say if someone strikes you on the cheek, then turn the other cheek: 
do not resist injury. Give to one who begs from you, and do not 
refuse one who comes to borrow. It has been said: love your neighbor 
and hate your enemy' But I say love your enemies, bless those who 
persecute you, do good to those who hate you. Our father in heaven 
makes the sun shine on both the good and the evil, and He sends rain 
on both the just and the unjust. You must be perfect, even as your 
heavenly Father is perfect." 
True Treasures 
Jesus spoke of many things to his disciples: "Do not collect 
treasures on earth, Treasures that moths and rust can damage or that 
thieves can steal, but store up treasures in heaven where neither 
moths nor rust do damage or thieves steal. Where your treasures are, 
your heart will be also. "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your 
eye is good, your body will be full of light: but if your eye is not 
good, your body will be filled with darkness. And the darkness will 
be great indeed. You can not serve two masters. Either you will hate 
one and love the other of love the one and hate the other. You cannot 
serve both God and worldly things. ……….Not everyone who calls me Lord 
shall enter the kingdom of heaven, only those who do the will of my 
father who is in heaven. Many will ask me Lord did we not prophesy in 
your name and do great deeds in your name? I will answer that I never 
knew them, and I will send away those who do evil………… 
True Greatness 
The disciples discussed among themselves who was the greatest in the 
kingdom of heaven. They asked Jesus and he answered, If anyone would 
be first, he must be last and the servant of all. Then he called a 
child to him and he said, Whoever receives a child in my name, 
receives me. Whoever receives me, receives Him who sent me. He who is 
least among you is the one who is the greatest. Whoever causes one 
child who believes in me to sin, it would be better if he had a 
millstone around his neck and were thrown into the sea to drown. It 
is necessary for temptation to come but woe to the one who brings 
temptation. See that you do not wrong even one child; not one shall 
perish. If your hand causes you to sin or your foot or your eye cut 
it off and throw it away. It is better to enter the kingdom of God 
maimed than to go to hell whole…….. 
The Good Samaritan 
A lawyer stood up and called out to test Jesus: "Teacher what should 
I do to have eternal life?" Jesus answered "what is written in the 
law?" The lawyer said: "you shall love the Lord your God with all 
your heart and all your soul and all your might. And you shall love 
your neighbor as yourself." Jesus said to him: ` Your answer is 
right. Do these things and you will live." The lawyer asked "Who is 
my neighbor?" Jesus replied "A man was going from Jerusalem to 
Jericho. Robbers took his clothes, beat him and left him for dead. A 
priest came down the road and saw him and passed him by. Then a 
Levite came along and saw him lying there and did not stop. But a 
Samaritan came down the road and saw the man. He had compassion and 
went over to the man to help him. He put bandages on his wounds, took 
him to an inn, and looked after him. When it was time for the 
Samaritan to leave, he gave the innkeeper some money to take care of 
the man, adding "if you spend more. I will repay you when I return. 
Now I ask you said Jesus, Which was truly a neighbor to the man who 
was robbed? The lawyer answered The one who showed mercy and helped 
him. Then Jesus said "Go and do likewise" 
The Rich and Heaven 
A young man came to Jesus and asked "What good deed shall I do to 
have eternal life?" Jesus answered "No one is good but God. You know 
the commandments; keep them." The young man said "I keep the 
commandments; what more must I do?" Jesus answered: "If you wish to 
be perfect, sell all that you have and give it to the poor. Then come 
and follow me. Your treasure will be in heaven." The young man heard 
this and went away sadly , for he had many possessions. Then Jesus 
spoke to his disciples, saying "It will be hard for a rich man to 
enter the kingdom of God. Indeed it is easier for a camel to pass 
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven." The 
disciples asked: "Then who can enter Heaven and be saved?" Jesus 
answered: With God, all things are possible. In the new world, when 
the Son of Man will sit on his throne, you who have followed me will 
also sit on thrones. You will sit on twelve thrones and judge the 
twelve tribes of Israel. Everyone who has given up his possessions of 
his family, whether houses or lands, or father or mother, or brother 
or sisters, or wife or children, all who have given these up for my 
sake and for the gospel shall have everlasting life. And many of the 
first shall be last and the last shall be first. 
The Rich man and the Beggar 
Jesus told another parable: "there was a rich man who had fine 
clothes and feasted well every day. At his gate sat a poor man whose 
body was covered with sores, a beggar who wished only for scraps from 
the rich man's table. "The beggar died and the angels took him to sit 
at the side of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. He was 
taken to hell and looked up toward heaven. He could see the beggar in 
the bosom of Abraham and he cried out for mercy, saying that he was 
being tormented by the heat and flames. "Abraham answered: "Remember, 
in your lifetime you received good things and the beggar suffered. 
Now he is comforted and you are suffering. There is a great space 
between us. No one can pass from here to there or from there to 
here. "Then the rich man asked Abraham to send a messenger to his 
brothers to warn them, so the same thing would not happen to them. 
But Abraham said: They have Moses and the prophets; let them live 
according to the laws and saying. If they do not listen , even one 
who rises from the dead could not persuade the." 
Blessing the Children 
People continued to come to Jesus to be healed and blessed and to ask 
him questions. They brought their children to him so he might touch 
them and pray. The disciples scolded the people for bringing even 
infants to Jesus. But Jesus said "Let the children come to me; do not 
stop them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as they. Truly 
whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not 
enter into it." Then Jesus took the children in his arms and blessed 
The Day of Judgment 
When the Son of Man comes, all the angels will be with him and he 
will sit on a glorious throne. All the nations will come before him 
and he will separate them as a Shepard separates the sheep from the 
goats. He will place the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his 
left. He will say the sheep at his right: Come, you are the blessed 
of my Father; inherit the kingdom which was prepared for you from the 
beginning of the world. I was hungry and you feed me. I was thirsty 
and you gave me drink. I was naked and you gave me clothes. I was a 
stranger and you welcomed me. I was sick and you came to me. I was in 
prison and you visited me. The righteous will answer saying When did 
we do these things? And the King will say Just as you did it for any 
of my people, it was as if you did it for me. Then he will turn to 
those at his left and send them away saying You shall enter into 
eternal fire, for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty 
and you game no drink, I was naked and you gave me no clothes, I was 
a stranger and you did not take me in. I was sick and in prison and 
you did not come to see me. They to will answer asking Lord when did 
we do these things. Again the Son of Man The King will answer : As 
you did not do for even the least of my People, it was as if you did 
not do for me. 
A New Commandment 
 I now give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved 
you, so you should love each other. From this , all will know that 
you are my disciples. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in 
God and believe in me also. In my Fathers house are many rooms and I 
go to prepare a place for you. Then I will come again and take you 
where I am going. 
Just a few thoughts on Deadlines 
This year some people who had been very bad boys and girls learned a 
very painful lesson. After committing thousands of crimes and then 
being given a chance to make restitution for those crimes, They 
missed the dead line. This is a lesson to teach people of the 
suddenness of Christ Second Coming. For the past two years I have 
been documenting crimes that were committed against me and my family 
over the past ten years. Most of these crimes were committed by 
people in the employ of one government agency or another. To be sure 
there were a few private organizations but even they have ties to the 
government whether they realize it or not. There are books in heaven 
just like the ones I have been writing.  I would imagine they 
probably don't have as much anger and rage or any bad language in 
them but they do have everything we do. 
(www.jonathanforpresident.batcave.net) That's a scary thought. On 
Judgment day when each of us are judged those books will be opened 
and we will have to answer for what we have done while here on earth. 
Those rich preachers just as well as the murders on death row will 
have to answer for what they have or haven't done. What do you think 
God will say to a rich preacher who did nothing to help the thirty 
thousand children who starve to death each day. Likewise what do you 
thing God will say to people who profess to be Christians but teach 
hate and greed. Ethics is a deep subject that few humans are worthy 
to even discuss do to the human nature of self survival but let's try 
anyway. Is it ethical for a person who is sworn to uphold the law to 
blackmail or extort someone in order to "In their mind" enforce the 
law? The word oxymoron comes to mind here. Is it ethical for lawyers 
and judges to look the other way when the law is broken in the name 
of so called Justice? Is it ethical for the government to persecute 
it's citizens when they don't like what that citizen says or writes? 
Is it ethical for the government to try to manipulate people for 
political or facade gain? Is it ethical for political parties to 
break the law to gain an office or positions of power. Oxymoron just 
keeps coming up. I have been living on faith for the last few years 
as I haven't had any real source of income. What I learned was that 
rather than help someone they see in need, most people would rather 
make up lies and rumors about them so they don't have a guilty 
conscience for not helping them. I also learned that political 
parties or the people who run them are the biggest criminals in this 
country. If they can't control someone with their power they conspire 
lawless acts to enforce their will and way. I think the biggest crime 
committed by people in power is invasion of privacy but with the 
electronic age there really is no privacy. And so goes the way of the 
constitution and the bill of rights. Getting back to the lesson at 
hand, the day of the second coming there will be no second chances. 
You won't be able to go back and change all the awful deeds that you 
have done in your life. You won't be able to change those awful 
things you said about someone. Yes you are forgiven if you confess 
your sins and repent but do you really think God is going to let 
people into heaven who ignore his laws and continually live like the 
devil? I was hungry and you gave me food, I was naked and you gave me 
clothes, I was sick and you comforted me, I was in prison and you 
visited me, Love one another, Love God and keep his commandments. 
Will you pass the test? Soon that Great Day When the Son Of God Comes 
on the Clouds of Glory with His Angels to gather the Saints will be 
here, will you be Going Home with the Lord or will you be Burning for 
Eternity. You may not have as much time as you think. The way you 
live from today on could make the deciding factor of Eternal Life or 
Death. Don't miss the Deadline. THE DAY AFTER THE SECOND COMING WILL 
BE TO LATE! I was listening to a preacher last night preaching on 
faith. The great misconception taught by evangelicals is that faith 
alone is all you need. I can't wait to see their faces on judgment 
day when Jesus says "I was hungry and you didn't feed me. I was naked 
and you didn't give me any clothes. Then they will say "but we cast 
out demons in your name." Then Jesus will say "Get away from me, I 
know you not." Yes you have to have faith to be saved, But you have 
to do what Jesus said to do to get to heaven. You can't work your way 
to heaven, You have to believe, If you believe but don't do It's like 
a mechanic who believes he can fix your car but until he fixes it, it 
won't get you any where. Faith without action is like a fish who 
believes he can swim up the stream but doesn't get any where till he 
starts swimming. Faith without action is like a student who knows he 
can get an A but until he studies and takes the test he has nothing. 
Faith without action is like the preachers and their flocks who won't 
be going to heaven until they do what Jesus said to do. 
Please Help?   
The Golden Alliance 
Starting date of The Golden Alliance's Fiscal Year: June 1 
Mission: The Golden Alliance has been formed to solve the problems 
facing over one hundred million homeless children. The Golden 
Alliance first order of business is to get world leaders to start 
nation wide foster care systems in every country. The Golden Alliance 
second order of business is to build boarding schools to house 
homeless children until permanent homes can be found. The Golden 
Alliance third order of business is to find permanent homes for these 
homeless children. There is no excuse for this disaster that attacks 
over one hundred million children! 
Summary: We are asking you to help us solve the problem of 
homelessness facing over one hundred million children every day. By 
donating to this charity you will be helping millions of homeless 
children to have a home who might otherwise sleep in sewers or 
abandon buildings. Can you think of a more worthy cause?   
To give a donation you can send a check to The Golden Alliance, 2114 
S 103 E Ave, Tulsa Ok 74129, Or your can email a donation to 
homelesschildren2002@xxxxxxxxx via www. paypal.com 
If you would like to help but don't have any money you can go to the 
following link and sign up. You'll get $100. in your account and we 
will get $25. Just follow this link and sign up, It couldn't be much 
easier that that. 
History and Accomplishments: The founder and director of the Golden 
Alliance has been raising private and public awareness of this 
problem for the past three years by researching and writing about the 
magnitude of the problem and the lack of effort to solve it. The 
first such article was written in 2000 and was seen only in private 
circles until it was published on the web in 2002. Here is an edited 
copy for your reading pleasure. 
Congratulations on the 100,000,000 
Distinguished Readers, World Rulers, Kings, Queens, Presidents, 
Congresses, Prime Ministers, Dictators, Billionaires, Millionaires, 
War Lords, Churches, Church Leaders, Church Members, Media Moguls, 
Reporters, News Broadcasters, Sport Stars, TV Stars, Movie Stars, 
Producers, all other media broadcasters, and Dear Readers. We are all 
to be congratulated on entering the new millennium with a record 
number of one hundred million homeless children in the world. For 
those of you actively working to solve this crisis please accept my 
apology before becoming offended. For those of you not doing your 
part to solve this crisis situation, SHAME is the only word I can 
think of to describe the inaction of not solving this problem head 
on. I was even going to name my new book "Shame of the world, 
100,000,000 homeless children" maybe I still will but maybe we can 
solve the problem before the book is finished so we can name 
it "World of Love Homes for the Worlds Children". First off I would 
like to commend all of the people and organizations who are presently 
working to solve this crisis. You will find a list of these 
organizations on the next page and I would encourage you to find one 
or more that you like and start supporting them in any way you can. 
Go ahead and look through them right now, this page will still be 
here when you get back. FOR REAL, DO IT NOW. I hope you found one and 
have contacted them to let them know how you are going to help them. 
Thank you if you have, there is still shame for those of inaction. I 
began my research of this crisis a few months ago after what some 
would call a religious experience. I guess God doesn't like to see 
his children homeless, hungry, without medicine, without homes, and 
dying at a rate of  30,000 a day from hunger related diseases! 
250,000 go blind every year from the simple deficiency of vitamin A! 
130,000,000 have no access to basic schooling. 10,000,000 are 
exploited for sex. 300,000,000 children work as child laborers, some 
sold as slaves for as little as $15 by their own parents. I have a 
question for all Christians reading this Newsletter. Now that you 
know these facts, if you do nothing about solving this problem, What 
will you say to Jesus on judgment day when he says, I was hungry and 
you wouldn't feed me, I was naked and you wouldn't cloth me, I was  
sick and you wouldn't treat me, I was homeless and you wouldn't take 
me in? I'm waiting; well what will you say? And then what will Jesus 
say? It could be one of those make it or break it deals for eternity. 
I believe all REAL Christians are guaranteed salvation but I also 
believe that the size of our house or dwelling in heaven and whether 
or not it has heat, A/C, and furniture from Ethan Allen will be 
directly related to what we do on earth. You might be saying, well 
what is the solution. I'm sure there are lots of solutions but I 
believe the first one is supporting organizations like the ones 
listed under STREETKID-L Resource Page. 
Statements of Children's Rights
·        · Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF
·        · European Conference on Street Children 
·        · The Children's Charter of South Africa 
Missions, Agencies, Projects, and Foundations
·        · ABA Center on Children and the Law, Chicago, Illinois, 
·        · Action International Ministries, U.K., U.S.A., 
Philippines, New Zealand, Canada
·        · African Child Adolescent Protection Alliance, · 
Johannesburg, South Africa 
·        · Agenda SOS International, Inc., Taurignan Vieux, France
·        · Agora Mobile School for Street Children, Cagayan de Oro 
·        · Ahimsa Child 
·        · Alay Pag-Asa Christian Foundation, Manila, Philippines
·        · Alliance for the Girl Child on the Street, Johannesburg, 
South Africa
·        · Amanecer, Cochabamba, Bolivia
·        · Amnesty International U.S.A., Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
·        · Amparo ao Menor Carente (AMENCAR), Sao Leopoldo, Brazil
·        · Angel Care, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
·        · Balay sa Gugma (House of Love), Muenchen, Germany
·        · Beat the Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
·        · Black Community Crisade for Children, Washington, D.C., 
·        · Bread of Life Ministries, Nova Scotia, Canada
·        · Bright Hope International, Wauconda, Illinois, U.S.A.
·        · Cameleon Association, France/Philippines
·        · Carter Center, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
·        · Casa Alianza, San José, Costa Rica
·        · Catholic Action for Street Children, Accra, Ghana
·        · Catholic Charities, San Jose, California, U.S.A.
·        · Centrepoint, U.K.
·        · Centro de Investigación y Promoción de los Derechos 
Humanos (CIPRODEH),      Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America
·        · Centro de Referencia Cultural da Criança e do Adolescente, 
·        · Child2Child, Nairobi, Kenya
·        · ChildHope UK, London, England, UK
·        · Child Relief and You (CRY), Bombay, India
·        · Children at Risk Foundation, Sao Paulo, Brazil
·        · Children International, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.
·        · Children Now, U.S.A.
·        · Children of Chernobyl, Dublin, Ireland
·        · Children of the Nations, Poulsbo, Washington, U.S.A.
·        · Children's House 
·        · Children's Relief Network--Romania, Scotts Valley, 
California, U.S.A.
·        · Children's Rights Council, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
·        · Children's Watch, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
·        · Christian Aid, London, England
·        · Christian Medical and Dental Society, Bristol, TN
·        · Christians Against Torture, Wales, U.K.
·        · Cleaford Christian Trust, Brasov, Romania
·        · The CAPCAT Project - Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand
·        · Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers,
·        · Consolidation for Social Awareness and Responsibility 
·        · Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
·        · Covenant House, New York, New York, U.S.A. 
·        · Cradle of Hope Adoption Centers, Inc., U.S.A.
·        · Crianças do Brasil para Cristo, Fortaleza, Brazil
·        · Desert Road Ministries, Mazatlan, México
·        · Durban Child Welfare Society, Durban, South Africa
·        · Dying Rooms Trust, London, England, U.K.
·        · ECPAT Australia, Collingwood, Australia
·        · EDNICA (Educación Con el Niño Callejero), D.F., México
·        · El Caracol, México
·        · El Sauzal Orphanage, San Antonio de Las Minas, BC, México
·        · European Network on Street Children Worldwide (ENSCW), 
Brussels, Belgium
·        · Feed the Children, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
·        · Felices los Niños Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
·        · Felices los Niños Foundation (Español), Buenos Aires, 
·        · FMC (Family Connections Ministries) International, 
Australia, U.S.A, México
·        · Forgotten Children of Russia, Russia
·        · Foundation Amistad, Arlington, Texas, U.S.A.
·        · Foundation European Network on Street Children Worldwide, 
Amsterdam, Holland
·        · Gangway, Berlin, Germany
·        · Global Fund for Women, Menlo Park, California, U.S.A.
·        · HandsNet, Cupertino, California, U.S.A.
·        · Hazel Marie Foundation 
·        · Heart of Darkness, Romania
·        · Henry Dunant Institute, Geneva, Switzerland
·        · Hogar de Niños Santa Clara, Tartagal, Argentina
·        · Hogar de Niños Santa Clara (Spanish), Tartagal, Argentina
· Hogar de Niños Santa Clara (Italian), Tartagal, Argentina 
·        · Homeless Children's Program 
·        · Homeless People's Network, Arizona State University, U.S.A.
·         Homes for the Homeless, New York, New York, U.S.A.
·        · The HOUSE Group of Projects, South Africa
·        · Human Rights Watch, New York, New York, U.S.A.
·        · Inner City Remnant Ministries, Portland, Oregon
·        · Innocents Lost--In No Sense Lost 
·        · Int'l Congress Against Commercial Exploitation of 
Children, Stolkholm, Sweden
·        · International Save the Children Alliance 
·        · International Union of Gospel Missions, Kansas City, 
·        · Japanese NGO for International Cooperation, Japan
·        · Jubilee Campaign, England
·        · Kids Helping Kids, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
·        · Lafanmi Selavi, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
·        · Let the Children Live!, United Kingdom/Colombia
·        · Leve Bornene, Denmark
·        · Lifetime Adoption Facilitation Center, Nevada City, 
California, U.S.A.
·        · Link Romania, West Sussex, England
·        · Los Angeles Youth Supportive Services, Los Angeles, 
California, U.S.A.
·        · Mercy Ministries (Youth With A Mission) 
·        · Mexican Orphanage: Interado Indigenista, Bochil, Chiapas, 
·        · National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 
(NCMEC), Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.
·        · National Child Rights Alliance, Durham, North Carolina, 
·        · National Children's Coalition, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
· National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect, U.S.A. 
·        · National Coalition for the Homeless, Washington, D.C., 
·        · National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, 
Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
·        · Ndola Street Kids Project, Zambia
·        · New Beginnings Int'l Training Centers, Inc., Jamaica
·        · Niños de México, México City, México
·        · Novartis Foundations for Sustainable Development, Brazil
·        · Nyumbani Orphanage, Nairobi, Kenya
·        · Oasis Trust, London, England
·        · Open Family, Australia
·        · Operation Go Home, Ottowa, Ontario
·        · Operation Mobilisation 
·        · Oregon Housing Now Coalition (OHNC), Portland, Oregon, 
·        · Orphanage Outreach, Dominican Republic
·        · Orphans from the Middle East, Lebanon/Gaza Strip
·        · Outside In Youth Program Services, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
·        · Oxfam, Oxford, U.K.
·        · PathFinders Education Foundation, Crystal Lake, Illinois, 
·        · Peace Brigades International, London, England
·        · Program for the Development of the Infant and the Mother 
(PRODIM), Tegucigalpa,        Honduras
·        · Programa Sarantenani, La Paz, Bolivia
·        · Project Accompaniment Canada 
·        · Project HOPE 
·        · Projeto e Casa Esperança, Nova Friburgo RJ, Brasil
·        · Rädda Barnen(Swedish Save the Children), Stockholm, Sweden
·        · Radyo Timoun, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
·        · Rainbows of Hope, South Carolina, U.S.A.
·        · Resource Center of the Americas, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 
·        · Redd Barna, Ethiopia
·        · Saint Magdalene Church of the East, · Johannesburg, South 
·        · Save the Children, UK, London, England
·        · Save the Children, USA, Westport, Connecticut, U.S.A.
·        · Salesian Missions, New Rochelle, New York, U.S.A.
·        · Salesians of Don Bosco, South Africa
·        · Si a la Vida, Managua, Nicaragua
·        · SOS Kinderdorf International, Vienna, Austria
·        · Stand For Children, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
·        · StandUp For Kids, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
·        · Street Kids International, Toronto, Canada
·        · Streetcats Foundation, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
·        · Students Helping Street Kids International, Eugene, 
Oregon, U.S.A.
·        · Survival International France, Paris, France
·        · Survival International Italy, Milan, Italy
·        · Survival International UK, London, England, U.K.
·        · Task Brasil, London, England, U.K.
·        · Tiger's Club Project, Kampala, Uganda
·        · Toybox Charity (El Castillo), Guatemala City, Guatemala
·        · UK Committee for UNICEF, London, England
·        · UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and 
Cultural Organization 
·        · UNICEF, New York, New York, U.S.A.
·        · U.S. Committee for UNICEF, New York, New York, U.S.A.
·        · Vets with a Mission, Vietnam
·        · Virlanie Foundation, Inc., Manila, Philippines
·        · Viva Network, Oxford, England
·        · VNHelp Street Children Projects, Oakland, CA, U.S.A.
·        · War Child, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
·        · Western Washington Family Network, Bellingham, Washington
·        · World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of 
·        · World Food Programme, Rome, Italy
·        · World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland
·        · World Vision International, Monrovia, California, U.S.A.
·        · World Week, Canada
·        · Youth Outreach, Hong Kong
Information and Resource Links
·        · At-Risk Children Bibliography, Santa Clara County Office 
of Education
·        · Bibliography on Homelessness
·        · Child, Youth and Families Legislation
·        · Children and War
·        · Children's Rights @ igc
·        · Chris Redner's Photo Page
·        · Contact Page
·        · Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor 
Relations, "By the Sweat and Toil of Children (Volume II): The Use of 
Child Labor in U.S. Agricultural Imports and Forced and Bonded Child 
·        · Directory of State Coordinators for the Education of 
Homeless Children and Youth
·        · Education of Homeless Children and Youth, National 
Coalition for the Homeless
·        · National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect 
·        · National Coalition for the Homeless Fact Sheets
·        · National Youth Center Network List of Online Resources
·        · Nicaragua: Children at Work
·        · One World News Service: Children's Rights
·        · Pangaea: Street Children in Asia
·        · Pangaea: Street Children in Africa
·        · Pangaea: Street Children in Europe
·        · Pangaea: Street Children in Latin America and the Caribbean
·        · Pangaea: Street Children in North America
·        · Pangaea: Street Children in Russia
·        · Pangaea: Street Children in the World
·        · Pangaea: Street Children Organizations List (Part 1)
·        · Pangaea: Street Children Organizations List (Part 2)
·        · Pangaea: Street Children Organizations List (Part 3)
·        · Pangaea: Street Children Organizations List (Part 4)
·        · Pangaea: Street Children Organizations List (Part 5)
·        · Pangaea: Street Children Organizations List (Part 6)
·        · Pangaea: Street Children Resources (Part 1)
·        · Pangaea: Street Children Resources (Part 2)
·        · Presentation to the Inter American Commission on Human 
Rights: "The Situation of Street Children in Latin America" by Bruce 
Harris, Executive Director, Latin American Programmes, Casa 
Alianza/Covenant House Latin America
·        · Psychoactive Substance Use Among Street Children and Other 
Children and Youth in Especially Difficult Circumstances
·        · Rights of Children: A Resource List
·        · "Three Programmes for Street Children in Rio de Janeiro" 
by SU.S.A.n Levenstein
·        · U.C. Berkeley Library Web: Latin America, Mexico, and the 
·        · UNESCO, Working with Street Children in Africa, Asia, and 
Latin America
·        · UNICEF Child Rights Videos
· University of Texas LANIC Human Rights Resource Page 
How can we solve this crisis? As I already mentioned, supporting the 
organizations in place is the first step to solving this problem but 
what else can we do? My first thought was to form a foundation that 
would go around the world and build large transition center/boarding 
schools. A huge undertaking with necessary support from all of the 
largest construction companies in the world. In fact it may take a 
foundation like this to solve this problem but lets look at some 
other solutions too. Poverty is the number one cause of homeless 
children with loss or disconnection from family being another factor. 
If families in the areas where homeless or street children live were 
supplemented for taking in a homeless child similar to foster care, 
it could take the edge off of the iceberg. Considering poverty to be 
a contributing factor of homeless children, Maybe some of you tycoons 
could research the problem and build factories or businesses in areas 
where extreme poverty is adding to the homeless children's numbers. A 
preventative measure might be to provide education on birth control 
and protection to areas where there are large numbers of homeless 
children. Making more people aware of the size of this problem is 
crucial to solving it. Financial aid programs to countries who reduce 
the number of homeless children on the streets by housing them, 
treating them, and integrating them into a family environment should 
be put in place. Providing social workers to act as advisors and 
trainers to countries that have many homeless children would help. 
Simple education and nutrition to expectant mothers is key along with 
continued nutrition and medical attention to new born babies. This 
should be a high priority goal for the poor and all mothers to be. 
Education for children who have nothing is crucial to change their 
lives. Mentoring and career training for teenage homeless children is 
urgent for their survival. Drug rehabilitation for homeless and all 
children who use drugs, alcohol, and glue is necessary to solve this 
crisis. A solution to poverty would be helpful but until we all learn 
to give allot more we will have to wait for that one. Offering 
Homeless children a safe place to live, food to eat, medical 
attention, drug rehab, and love, shouldn't be a problem for a world 
with a $30,000,000,000,000. economy. The money is there to solve the 
problem. The resources are there to solve the problem, We have enough 
people to solve the problem. There are enough families to solve the 
problem. Lets all do our part and solve this problem. Give of 
yourself or contribute to a organization that is helping to solve 
this problem and get others to do the same.
Children in the United States Of America   
The number of American Children living in poverty increased from 
3,500,000 in 1979 to 5,200,000 in 1997. From recent articles I have 
read I understand the rate is starting to drop from the 5,200,000 
high of 1997. What I want to know is how it got so high to start 
with? Over 20 percent of young American children live in poverty 
where the family income is below $12,802. for a family of three. 65 
percent of all poor children under the age of six live with an 
employed parent. Only 17 percent live in families relying solely on 
public assistance. The Young Child poverty rate in the United States 
is two to three times higher than that of other major Industrialized 
nations. Child Poverty is highest among African American Children at 
40 percent, followed closely by Latino Children at the 38 percent 
level and White Children at 13 percent. 10 percent of American 
Children live in extreme poverty, Under $6,401 annual income for a 
family of three. Extreme Poverty is fastest growing among young 
children and has the most detrimental effects on children under five. 
42 percent of all children under the age of six live in or near the 
poverty level of $23,684 for a family of three. The real shame in the 
United States is the lack of attention to native Americans. Check out 
these numbers! The poorest county in the U.S. is on the Pine Ridge 
Sioux Reservation, with over 63 percent of the people living below  
the federal poverty line. Unemployment on Sioux Reservations in South 
Dakota is over 70 percent. The infant mortality rate for Indians in 
South Dakota is over 20 times higher than the statewide rate. 
Diabetes over ten times the national rate. Attempted suicide among 
Indian teenagers nationally is four times the overall rate. An Indian 
living on a Sioux reservation is 10 times more likely to die by age 
45 than is his counterpart in white America. Children of migrant and 
seasonal workers who work to earn money in agriculture, can be at 
risk. Between 400 and 600 suffer work related injuries each year in 
addition to 59 children losing their lives between 1992 and 1996. 
Education and Labor have many programs to improve educational 
opportunities for disadvantaged school-aged children (those aged 6 to 
17); however, few of these programs specifically target migrant and 
seasonal agricultural workers or children of such workers, and most 
collect no information on the number of such children served. Even 
for the two largest programs that target some or all of this 
population—Education's Migrant Education Program (MEP) and Labor's 
Migrant and Seasonal Farm workers Program (MSFWP) program operations 
and subsequent data limitations impede a national evaluation of these 
programs results for this target population. Under MEP, the 
substantial flexibility given state and local educational agencies 
regarding program administration results in significantly different 
services being provided among the states. The MSFWP's traditional 
focus on adult employment needs has prevented the establishment of 
performance standards and outcome measures for children in this age 
group. Poverty, limited English ability, and rural and social 
isolation place children in migrant and seasonal agriculture at 
considerable risk of academic failure. The considerable mobility and 
other conditions of agricultural work add to these difficulties, 
resulting in school enrollment rates and high school completion rates 
among the lowest in the nation. Children aged 14 to 17 face 
particular educational challenges, especially those children who live 
independently of their families. Nobody wants to pay more for their 
fruit, vegetables, and nuts but these children need to be protected 
and educated by enforcing laws to do so and funding programs that 
offer them a better future. Evidently age documentation, records and 
enforcement are the keys to protecting children to young to work. It 
also seems that these children need access to some sort of protection 
when things go wrong and it doesn't seem like those protections are 
in place. Although the President's Initiative on this situation will 
help we need to do more for the children who put fresh food on our 
Some Solutions for Children in the United States of America   
The successes that other Western industrialized countries have had in 
reducing their young child poverty rates, and that the United States 
has had in reducing elderly poverty rates and successfully buffering 
many children from the worst effects of poverty, demonstrates that 
positive change is possible. Americans can create uniquely American 
solutions to the problem of young child poverty in the United States. 
The following are some potential first steps to support families and 
begin to reduce the young child poverty rate. Help parents with 
children earn enough to keep their families out of poverty. Most poor 
young children have at least one employed parent.  
Private sector employers and government at the federal, state, and 
local level can all help to make work pay for families with young 
children. Both the pubic and private sectors have a role to play 
increasing family incomes through non-poverty wages, and expanding 
access to affordable quality childcare, health insurance, and 
transportation to and from work. Expand prevention programs that have 
been proven by rigorous research to be cost-effective. Examples: 
Provide nutritious food for pregnant woman and young children through 
WIC, and improve poor preschoolers future life chances by providing 
them with affordable quality early childhood education and child care 
and family support programs. Teen pregnancy prevention programs such 
as the Teen Outreach Program have also proven to be effective. The 
National Campaign to prevent Teen Pregnancy draws upon proven  
prevention principles to move beyond programs to develop truly 
effective teen pregnancy prevention policies. Some previous items are 
taken from "Young Children in Poverty Fact Sheet National Center for 
Children in Poverty" "The Poorest people in America Native American 
Heritage Association brochure" "Report to Congressional Requesters 
Child labor in Agriculture" "STREETKID-L Resource Page Street 
Children Online information and Organization Links" "UNICEF Executive 
Speeches The State of the World's Children 2000. 
Encourage World Leaders to develop a plan of action to solve these 
Problems and to help poor countries take care of their children. This 
Newsletter is dedicated to Alejandro Nunez a 3 month old baby bitten 
to death by rats while sleeping in his cardboard box home with his 
mother under an overpass near the Presidential Palace in 
Central/South America.
Don't get mad, Get Active. 
Although the method used in this Newsletter may seem somewhat brash 
and shocking, I believe the only way to wake some people up is to 
sound the alarm. Hopefully you haven't been offended by what you have 
read. I think this newsletter has made some of the problems, needs, 
and issues clear. We are seeking funding for start up and operational 
funding to raise the public and government awareness to this problem 
and to encourage all people to take the responsibility needed to 
solve this problem facing over one hundred million children. We have 
chosen to pursue this project because it is a worthy cause and to our 
knowledge there is no organization that has put a solution in place 
to solve this catastrophe. 
The founder of the Golden Alliance experienced some of what homeless 
children deal with on a day to day basis. This story will give you an 
idea of what homeless children go through. For what ever reason a 
child may find them self without a place to live you need to remember 
they are just children. I personally found myself homeless after 
someone took a shot at me and then someone drugged my coffee and 
loosened the steering on my car. I was recovering from a bad auto 
accident at the time and had limited mobility. I decided to leave the 
state where this happened because of these and other things that had 
happened there. I found myself living in another state where no one 
would give me a job I could do. After being evicted from a low income 
apt. I found myself living at camp grounds. I would blow up my air 
mattress and chain my dog to a tree at night. Once in a while when I 
could afford it I would buy something to cook over a barbeque but 
mostly I just ate sandwiches. Once in a while someone would give me 
some food. There were days that I went hungry. Over about three 
months I lost forty pounds. I had people threaten me and threaten to 
kill my children. I had people harass me. I had people wake me up at 
all hours of the night. I had people call me all kinds of names. I 
had people terrorize me. Through all this I was crippled by a 
ruptured disk and diabetes. It was also over one hundred degrees 
during most of the time and I had no way to keep insulin cold so I 
went without it. I was homeless because of criminals and an auto 
accident where the insurance company stretched out the settlement for 
months longer than promised. Homeless children don't have an 
insurance settlement waiting to save them from the streets, hunger, 
the diseases that go along with hunger, poverty, abuse, no place to 
live and no one to love them. Please help us find homes for them by 
telling congress that you want them to help solve this crisis facing 
over one hundred million children. Write to foreign governments and 
tell them they need to set up a foster care system for their homeless 
At night people would yell things like " Your kids going to die 
tonight" or "Your going to die tonight". Fortunately I had a big 
black Lab that kept people away from me while I slept. Going hungry 
and not having insulin was the worst part. Homeless children don't 
have big black labs to protect them at night. They don't know where 
their next meal is going to come from. They may not know where they 
are going to sleep that night. They need your help. Won't you help 
The problems facing homeless children range from how to stay warm at 
night, to where their next meal is going to come from. They may spend 
their entire day just trying to solve these two problems. It is very 
easy to see why they would resort to stealing and sniffing glue when 
they don't have any future or hope of ever getting out of the 
desperate situation that millions of them find themselves in every 
single day. How can you call yourself a human being if you don't do 
something to change this crisis that afflicts millions of children 
who may have done nothing worse than to be born in the wrong place. 
What will it take for the world to wake up and say we are going to 
solve this epidemic of cold heartedness that has infected our world? 
What will it take for millionaires and billionaires to fulfill their 
obligation to their fellow man? What will it take for people to take 
these children into their homes and give them a place to live? What 
is it going to take for the governments of foreign countries to 
accept their responsibility for their homeless children? I'm ashamed 
to be a member of the human race that neglects millions of it's own 
children. All it would take is love and money to give these children 
Jonathan Golden 
If you would like to help solve this epidemic please give a donation 
or purchase one of our business opportunities. 
To give a donation you can send a check to The Golden Alliance, 2114 
S 103 E Ave, Tulsa Ok 74129, Or your can email a donation to 
homelesschildren2002@xxxxxxxxx via paypal. 
They need love, food, homes, medicine, schooling, and your help. 
Please contact your congressmen Today. Tell them they need to help 
set up foster care systems in every country in the world to take care 
of the millions of homeless children. 
The Golden Alliance's main purpose is to help homeless children which 
is a pet project of the founder. Jonathan Golden believes that we can 
solve this epidemic of selfishness and greed that has infected the 
human race. 
Our target is to find homes for every homeless child by 2013  
The success of our project will be evaluated by the number of 
homeless children who are given homes and the elimination of this 
epidemic by world governments taking responsibility for their most 
venerable citizens. 
Golden Alliance Physical Plan Of Operation Summary 
The Golden Alliance will achieve it's Goals by following this course 
of action. 
1.      Raise the funds needed to support this project. 
2.      Rent or buy office space to house The Golden Alliance 
3.      Hire  a Human Resource Director and Headquarters Employees. 
4.      Hire Bilingual Social Workers for each country in the world. 
5.      Send each Golden Alliance Social Worker through a course 
teaching them the how, why, and where's of this mission. 
6.      Set up liaisons between each foreign government and the 
Golden Alliance. 
7.      Send the Golden Alliance Social Workers to work in each 
country of the world. 
8.      Hire native employees in each country to help interact with 
the local governments and natives of that country. 
9.      Hire Lobbyist for each foreign government to help promote  
government run foster care programs, laws, and statues protecting the 
rights and humanities of poor children. 
10.  Start a census of the homeless children in each country through 
a volunteer program. 
11.  Set up a program to help supplement the foster parents who join 
the Golden Alliance in saving homeless children. 
12.  Hire construction managers to develop/manage the incorporation 
of five thousand boarding schools for homeless children. 
13.  Form an alliance with the largest construction companies in each 
country to build boarding schools in a country setting to help 
integrate homeless children back into a loving normal structured 
productive life style. 
14.  Hire Principles, teachers, and house parents to run the boarding 
15.  Set up media programs in each country to help find homes for the 
homeless children. 
16.  Use churches, business organizations, social clubs, and other 
venues to promote adoption of each countries homeless children. 
Golden Alliance Financial Plan Summary 
Year One 
Raise Three Billion Dollars    		$3,000,000,000. 
Headquarters 				      $5,000,000. 
Salaries 				    	 $1,000,000,000. 
Construct Boarding Schools 		    $500,000,000. 
Foster Care					    $500,000,000. 
Operating Expenses		        	 	    
Year Two 
Raise Five Billion Dollars 
Salaries					$2,000,000,000. 
Construct Boarding Schools  		$500,000,000. 
Foster Care			    		$500,000,000. 
Operating Expenses				$2,000,000,000. 
Year Three 
Raise  Seven Billion Dollars 
Salaries					$3,000,000,000. 
Construct Boarding Schools  		$500,000,000. 
Foster Care			    		$500,000,000. 
Operating Expenses				$3,000,000,000. 
Year Four 
Raise Nine Billion Dollars 
Salaries					$4,000,000,000. 
Construct Boarding Schools  		$500,000,000. 
Foster Care			   	 	$500,000,000. 
Operating Expenses				$4,000,000,000. 
Year Five 
Raise Eleven Billion Dollars 
Salaries					$5,000,000,000. 
Construct Boarding Schools  		$500,000,000. 
Foster Care			   	 	$500,000,000. 
Operating Expenses				$5,000,000,000. 
At the end of five years we will have built five thousand boarding 
schools all around the world. These boarding schools will provide 
homes and transition centers for three million plus homeless 
children. Through our advocacy programs to foreign governments to set 
up foster care programs we will have helped provide another twenty 
million foster homes for homeless children.   
We will have also built a safety net that can help save the lives of 
children when they find themselves in a desperate situation. 
Please be part of this great project of love by funding this program 
with your Grants, Donations, Fundraisers and Resources. 
Jonathan Golden 
To give a donation you can send a check to The Golden Alliance, 2114 
S 103 E Ave, Tulsa Ok 74129, Or your can email a donation to 
homelesschildren2002@xxxxxxxxx via www.paypal.com 
If you would like to help but don't have any money you can go to the 
following link and sign up. You'll get $100. in your account and we 
will get $25. Just follow this link and sign up, It couldn't be much 
easier that that. 
Would you like to have a fundraiser to help The Golden Alliance?
Thank You and God Bless You
Jonathan Golden and The Golden Alliance
Copy Write Jonathan Golden 2003 

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