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[EquisMetaStock Group] The FastTrack Monitor

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Users of FastTrack have been fortunate in having an independently 
written, independently owned newsletter. Users submit all the 
studies, findings, white papers and other materials. The policy 
of "by the user and for the user", continues to this day. The FT 
Monitor eschews papers written by academia, or financial journalists, 
whose trading experience is limited to baseball cards.

The FastTrack Monitor, now the FT Monitor has opened it doors.  It 
will now consider studies ranging from AmiBroker to VectorVest. The 
editor, Richard Boroff, is an active MetaStock and FastTrack user 
from the Boston area.

     To contact Richard:  rboroff@xxxxxxxx 
     Phone:  1-978-697-0604  ---and leave a message
     Fax:  1-413-845-7030

One can download a sample PDF copy from their site.


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