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RE: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: momentum exploration

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It may i.a. hinge on how volume is quoted by your data vendor.
If you're running ReutersDatalink then I think they divide
all volume by a factor of 100.

Yngvi Hardarson

-----Original Message-----
From: hcour [mailto:no_reply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 07:04
To: equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: momentum exploration

I ran it yesterday. The original screen on Multexinvestor came up 
with about 30 stocks, 24 of which are in my MS database. When I ran 
the MS exploration I only came up with 1 result. So, yeah, something 
is definitely not right somewhere.


--- In equismetastock@xxxx, "Barry Seeger" <barry.seeger@xxxx> wrote:
> I appreciated reading this exchange, and put it aside for later 
> for my own learning.  I could be mistaken, but there appear to be a
> couple of small errors:  colb and colc don't seem to require that 
> ROC's be >0, and in cole, should 0.5 be 5.0, or even 500, depending 
> your data?  No offence intended to the brilliant yellowstoneuk, but 
> thought I would pass these observations on.
> Barry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hcour [mailto:no_reply@x...] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 13 November 2002 12:17 PM
> To: equismetastock@xxxx
> Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: momentum exploration
> YS -
> Wow. That is fantastic. Thanks so much. Can't wait to try it out!
> Harold
> --- In equismetastock@xxxx, "yellowstoneuk" <yellowstoneuk@xxxx> 
> wrote:
> > cola   If(C,>=,HHV(C,260)*0.8,1,0)
> > 
> > colb   If(ROC(C ,20 ,% ),>,ROC(C ,260 ,% ),1,0)
> > 
> > colc   If(ROC(C ,65 ,% ),>,ROC(C ,130 ,% ),1,0)
> > 
> > cold   If(ROC(C ,130 ,% ),>,ROC(C ,260 ,% ),1,0)
> > 
> > cole   If(C,>,0.50,1,0)
> > 
> > colf   Sum(VOLUME,10)/10
> > 
> > filter When(colA,=,1) AND When(colB,=,1) AND When(colC,=,1) AND 
> When
> > (colD,=,1) AND When(colE,=,1) AND When(colF,>,40000)
> The following is the description of one of the Momentum Screens 
> Multexinvestor.com. It contains no fundamental criteria. It comes 
> w/some very nice looking stocks.
> Would it be possible to translate this into MS language to make it 
> an Exploration? And if so, any chance one of you MS whizzes would 
> take a crack at it?
> Price Momentum 
> This screen searches for stocks that are on the move. The current 
> price must be equal to at least eighty percent of the fifty-two 
> high, and the stocks must have demonstrated patterns of gradual 
> price acceleration over the past year.
> This screen selects stocks that are exhibiting strong share price 
> trends. It doesn't contain any variables relating to company 
> fundamentals (i.e. trends in sales and profits). Nevertheless, it's 
> highly unlikely that any stock could meet all of the tests 
> here unless the investment community as a whole has broadly 
> favorable expectations about the company's fundamental business 
> prospects.
> 1) {Price}>.8*{PriceH}
> Line 1 starts with a simple test that quickly weeds out deeply 
> depressed equities by requiring that the shares now be priced no 
> lower than 20% below their 52-week highs. Shares that are far below 
> their recent peaks can, for brief periods of time, show strong 
> percentage price gains. But all too often, that sort of strength 
> reflects the poor base upon which comparisons are calculated, as 
> opposed to bona fide fundamental bullishness.
> 2) {Pr4W%Chg}>{Pr52W%Chg}.AND.{Pr4W%Chg}>0
> Line 2 points us toward stocks that have recently caught Wall 
> Street's eye in a very favorable way. We want issues whose prices 
> have risen in the past four weeks and have risen more in those four 
> weeks than they did in all of the past fifty two weeks.
> 3) {Pr13W%Chg}>{Pr26W%Chg}.AND.{Pr13W%Chg}>0
> Line 3, by seeking stocks that have appreciated in the past 
> weeks and done so to a greater extent than they had over the prior 
> twenty six weeks, is similar to Line 2 except that the latter 
> defines a less pronounced share price acceleration. The benefit to 
> line 3 is its ability to demonstrate that the short-term price 
> we found in Line 2 is not an aberration but a continuation of a 
> longer, albeit less pronounced, trend of share price acceleration.
> 4) {Pr26W%Chg}>{Pr52W%Chg}
> Line 4, which requires that the stock have appreciated more in the 
> past twenty-six weeks than it did in the past fifty two weeks, 
> represents an extension of the concept presented in Line 3. Lines 
> 3 and 2 represent progressively increasing degrees of share price 
> acceleration.
> 5) {Price}>5
> Line 5 weeds out lower tier stocks. It eliminates issues that trade 
> at or below $5 per share.
> 6) {Vol10DAvg}>.04
> Line 6, which requires that average daily trading volume over the 
> past ten days be greater than 40,000 (.04 million) assures that the 
> accelerating price trend is accompanied by at least a respectable 
> level of volume. This enhances the probability that the improving 
> price trend represents a bona fide assessment of company 
> fundamentals on the part of a reasonably-sized segment of the 
> investment community.
> Thanks for any help here,
> Harold
> x

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